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Alex Bale

A small YouTuber that makes mostly short horror films, and he is very known for his Pizza Time Pizza series

!Alex Bale is my favorite YouTuber
No, PewDiePie is better

by DankNemes January 28, 2020

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(n. from the same root as 'baleful'):
(1) an expensive and hasty government bailout of an entire industry
(2) a government bailout that creates negative incentives for corporate executives while doing little to resolve an underlying economic crisis
(3) a government bailout that causes more harm than good

Time will tell whether the Troubled Asset Relief Program is a bale-out that hurts the economy over the long-run.

by wellwell February 1, 2009

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Christian Bale

To dress up in a batman outfit and beat up your family members.

"fuck with me one more time and ima go christian bale 4real motherfucker!"

by Christian Bale77 August 17, 2009

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Christian Bale

Lose Temper and Yell

If you don't pick up your clothes, your mother is going to go Christian Bale on your ass.

by AICO February 6, 2009

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goin' Bale

Cussing someone out; after Christian Bale's shellacking of Shane Hurlbut. Recorded for posterity in video and audio, he drops the F-bomb thirty seven times in four minutes, an average of one every six seconds.

If that jerk interrupts me one more time, I'm goin' Bale on his ass...

by geekthing February 4, 2009

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Going ape when it is not necessary to go ape.

Jim:Did you see Bobby go bale-istic on George today.
Kim:Ya,all he did was ask for a pencil.

by Wade-O February 25, 2009

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christian bale

a byword for getting insanely pissed off and abusing someone/thing over a small matter. could be used as a threat etc.

All I said was "please pass the salt" and he jumped on me like christian bale on a cinematographer!

You touch my drink I'm gonna go christian bale on your ass, punk!

by anna246 February 7, 2009

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