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the scariest movie in existence

stupid Bambi

by ricachip July 27, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a 35 year-old, 2 hotdog tall farmer that not even alters, but LIVES IN AND CONTROLLS dimensions.

Daves friend, Bambi just invaded the 3D dimension abruptly.

by the personz February 25, 2022

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When one get's so ludacrisly wasted that thier legs cannot support the weight of their body. They often fall down and have to be carried to bed becuase their legs have the working capacity of a little newborn baby deer (Bambi). This term was first coined in the CBC house to describe this reoccuring and extremely troubling yet hilarious level of drunken crazyness.

Man did you see Sam last night?

Yeah, dude he drank all that Jack and go totaly Bambied.

No shit we had to carry his fawn ass up to the launchpad (his room).

by punkRAWKINtrev April 18, 2005

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a little baby :)

aww look its bambi!

by barbie March 11, 2004

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a sweet name for one's girlfriend

I'm going out with my Bambi tonight

by alohamotto December 20, 2006

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A hot girl who is to young to date, usually in their early teens. Hunters don't shoot deer who don't have their horns yet. Today's youth, preferring tail over white tail as a pass time, continue the tradition of not "shooting" those that are not yet mature.

While it lacked dimes while we were there, Takoma Park Middle School is now full of bambis.

by Rooster the Fourth November 9, 2006

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A word cited by people who are strongly anti-hunting (though not necessarily activists) as an excuse not to eat venison. Venison is deer meat & deer are traditionally considered a hunted animal.

On an episode of Come Dine With Me:
Dave Lamb: Sarah is refusing to eat her Venison, which is leaving host Julie quite offended.
Julie: Why won't you eat your Venison.
Sarah: 'cause it's eating bambi!

by Autolectric May 16, 2015