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bathed in legitimacy

something immensely opulent and amazing.

yo, how was the solid gold hot tub at Raf's mcmansion last night?
dude it was bathed in legitimacy. We got vodka coke martini's after.

by superking2 December 16, 2016

Cuck Bath

When the liberal sissy takes a bath after his wife got inseminated by a Mandingo.

Ant: Where is that guy Bill, why is he so late.
Dec: He is probably having a cuck bath since his wife gets rammed by Tyron.
Ant: What a cuck this degenerate is.
Dec: We should never hang out with his low T cuck ever again.
Ant:MAGA bro

by Roy Liotta December 24, 2018

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Chlorine Bath

When, in the summertime, instead of having a regular shower in your bathroom you jump in a chlorine-filled pool to disinfect yourself from the sweat and sunscreen that you've accumulated on your body since the last time you had a shower.

Person 1:"Yo Mon, you going upstairs to have a shower or what?"
Person 2: "Nah man, I'm gunna go have a chlorine bath. I like the way my hair curls after one anyways."

Person 1:"You smell really..clean. Did you have a chlorine bath?"
Person 2:"Yes actually I did, right in my own backyard!"

by MonMon de BonBon July 14, 2010

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Briggsy Baths

A gay franchise first set up in New York for the gay community to engage in immersed contact and swimming activity, but closed due to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. Recently reformed in eastwood, notts to commemorate briggsy's gay lovers throughout the decades and to once again divulge into gay obscenity and homo erogenous zones.

Rupaul was among the first to contract AIDS from a stint in the original Briggsy Baths of New York

by Arty Queen December 10, 2006

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acid bath

A genuinely talented, listenable, musically diverse and unfortunately, now defunct metal band that put most modern metal bands to shame.

Famous for being melodic, heavy and using disturbingly absurd poetic lyrics; Acid Bath created a unique sound for themselves (in no small part assisted by Dax's varied singing/shouting skills).

Acid Bath were also notorious for having their album cover art designed by the serial killers John Wayne Gacy and Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

Goddamit, they really rock, look up their shit on Amazon and you won't be sorry.

Acid Bath's best songs were considered by many to be:

- Blue
- Paegan Love Song
- Cassie Eats Cockroaches

by Pippins December 24, 2004

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bathing a cat

No matter what you do, you can't win. A situation so fucked up that it's pointless to try to fix it.

When my wife walked in on me and my girlfriend (who thought i was single), I figured it was best not to talk. It would be like bathing a cat

by Da Man too July 1, 2008

pirate bath

The process of washing just the arm pit area and the private area with a wash cloth or handful of water. People will ask you to define a pirate bath, the easy definition is "pits and privates"

Kyle was in a helluva hurry and didn't have time to take a full shower. He instead took a pirate bath and he was on his way.

by gooch14 August 4, 2006

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