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Means the same as bau , just another version of the word.

See bau

by hockis June 6, 2004

5πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž



I am bi

by Bi_gurl_fu_;) May 18, 2020

409πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Gaming acronym for Best in Slot.
It refers to a piece of gear that is the best piece you can equip on a specific place (like a weapon, or a piece of armor).

p1. That druid took some clothie shoulders on the raid last night
p2. Yeah, I saw that, they are BiS for resto droods.

by devxornull September 14, 2009

447πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


Bi people are attracted to both girls and guys. The attraction is romantic as well as sexual. It is a full relationship with deep feelings.

The word bi is from bisexual which is just too long and not nearly as cool, lol.

There are many bi myths like that they cannot be loyal or are confused which is untrue. Being loyal is a choice anybody can make, bi, straight, gay, lesbian, or whatever. And they are not confused, not anymore then anybody else.

There is a difference between bisexual (or bi) and bi-curious also. Bi-curious is only being curious about what it would be like to be with somebody of the same sex. Bisexuals are not curious (well not in that way). They know who they are attracted to.

Grace is a girl and has a girlfriend named Angelina. She loves Angelina and is only with her. Now if they ever broke up then being that Grace is bi she could either have another girlfriend or a boyfriend. But her and Angie are good together.

Even if Grace marries Angelina she doesn't turn into a lesbian, she is still bi.

by Annabella August 12, 2006

1432πŸ‘ 289πŸ‘Ž


Bisexual, likes both boys and girls. Not confused. Just likes both

Sal fisher is bisexual. He likes Larry, but would still go out with ash.

by Pangenderweirdo May 6, 2019

69πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


When someone is attracted to more than one gender. It doesn't necessarily mean only male and female or only 2 gender attraction. It just means having an attraction to more than one gender.


To all the bi peeps out there, I love you :) also, screw Brendan urie, he's a disgrace to the bi community. Cara delevignes what I'm talking about.

Simon: "I'm bi"
Nancy: "so you're half gay."
Simon:"no Nancy, I'm all bi."
Nancy: "have you kissed a fella, or a girl???"
Simon: " I've only ever kissed one person but just like someone knows they're straight, I know I'm bi."
Nancy: "makes sense. Happy that I'm not some lowlife biphobe"
Simon: "same. What are you doing Saturday? You wanna grab a movie?"

by your_silver_lining:) August 2, 2020

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

A bi

Kad bi okrenuo, jebao ili spolno općio ženu.

Marko: Stari moj gle kolke dojke ima.
Renato: A bi.

by ThePriest69 June 15, 2019