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Binding Of Issac

1:What happened when aberham had to sacerfice his son.

2:A game where you play as Issac(You can unlock other ones),your goal is to beat mom,satan,and moms heart,there is also a expansion called Wrath Of The Lamb.

Playing Binding Of Issac Expansion,

Guy 1:Yeah at ???!*dies*FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

by UnownGirl March 19, 2013

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Binding relationship

Long term relationship committed emotional, sexual or both between two parties.

I want to be with you, but I just don't want a binding relationship, because I'm going to college soon.

by Maddymk March 8, 2016


(verb) (1) When snowboarding, to undo one's bindings (also un-strap)
(2) After crossplaying, to take off the tape or ace bandages (see binding) that is holding down your boobs. Painful at first (especially with tape) but very much worth it later.

(1) "Man, I was snowboarding for so long, when I un-bound, it felt so weird to move my legs individually!"

(2) "Oh god, anime conventions really tire me out. Time to go home and un-bind."

by Anonosity April 24, 2011

Time Binding

Time binding is the human ability to pass information and knowledge between generations at an accelerating rate.

Time binding is done via a variety of mechanisms and processes such as education, publishing, social rules, infrastructure that constrains and guides human behavior, stories and language, symbols etc.

The term 'Time Binding' was originally coined by Alfred Korzybski in the field of General Semantics that he developed.

"I'm writing a book and publishing it on the web to time-bind my ideas."

For further examples and information on time binding see the wiki on time binding at boundtolast.wikispaces.com

by BoundToLast February 19, 2010

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case binding

Case binding is where you have a hard cover with soft pages inside, just like a smore where there is biscuits on the outside and a soft marshmallow on the inside.

John: "that's a nice case binding you got for your sex life files."
Bobby: "cheers John. I keep them under the pillow so I can fap over them at night"

by mingowingo11 January 20, 2015

Binding Loop

A sex position where the female lies on her back and male #1 inserts his penis into her vagina. He then puts his legs behind his head. Male #2 then starts ass fucking male #1. In turn male #1 is fucking the female.

-Megan Fox is so hot id binding loop her.
-Me too bro, me too...

by Asatru playah February 20, 2010

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feel binded

the act of hating hanging out with people but also hating being alone

that girl is so feel binded she needs to get her shit together

by fuckingdumbasf September 20, 2019