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The study of how humans got to be this retarded.

Hey bro I got a P.H.D in Biology!

by Dbro Games YT December 14, 2018


verb. An action in which one learns, talks about, or thinks about the field of biology.

"Do you even biology?"

by CapnMals November 10, 2013

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Study of Life

Biology is very wise

by smertieboi February 22, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Lets be frank, biology isnt a real science. What has biology ever contributed to the scientific world? Physics has Einstein and Newton, Chemistry has life saving drugs and awesome practicals. But what does biology have? Nothing. What good does looking at the structure of a plant do for us? It's a joke, psychology is more of a science

Biology is a science for people who can't cope with the skill and intellect of Physics and Chemistry. For people who want an easy credit, these people are slack.

by sciencefan April 1, 2011

15πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Meme biology

meme biology is the intricate examination of the meme and takes a delicate eye, you can’t miss anything in a good meme.

Dane spends hours on instagram studying his meme biology

by Lana__ May 20, 2018

Ap biology

The death wish that at some point you will inevitably regret making.

Synonym: social suicide

"Hey what classes are you taking next year?"

"Calculus, cooking, ap biology..."

"........it was nice knowing you."

by Samtenochtitlan April 16, 2014

130πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Biology

1)The reason I want to kill myself.
2) The reason I'm going to kill myself.
3) The reason I drink in college.

Me : Hey man, Fuck Biology. I cant even understand my professor.
Professor: hEY maN, fUCk BIolOGy. i CAnT eVEn UndERStaNd mY PrOfESsoR.

by Nathan Hash September 20, 2017

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