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Bitch ass hoe

When a Cousin is sick of his op/emj apprentice for making bad decisions

There be that stupid Bitch ass hoe Steve again

by Ohhhhhh you knowwww!! June 3, 2021

bitch ass hoe

keshav. u know who u r.

wow, keshav is such a bitch ass hoe

by trees… February 12, 2022


One whom acts like a bitch and a hoe, therefore making them a bitch ass hoe; or one whom is agitating and so bitchy

Ugh our teacher is so loud and talkative… don’t worry she’s probably a bitch ass hoe

by Get Money Get Rich 4x August 2, 2022

bitch ass hoe

sum bitch ass hoe motherfucker ion even know what the fuck im saying right now

you bitch ass hoe

by xxte November 23, 2021

Bitch ass hoe

Kierat and Hannah

Kierat and Hannah are bitch ass hoes

by Hedged January 8, 2020