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Border Patrol

aka "Signing the NAFTA,"

It is the act of two American roommates having simultaneous sex in two beds on opposite ends of the same bedroom--one with a Mexican and the other with a Canadian.

Snakes and I met these two girls at the bar and ended up running border patrol last night.

by B40s April 25, 2011

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Border Batter

The condition whereby one experiences massive gastrointestinal explosions of gas and liqui-shit after consuming too much food from Taco Bell.

John made a run for the border with a late night Taco Bell visit. He paid the price the next day when the 4 bean burritos he ate came back out as Border Batter.

by Eaton Holgoode June 10, 2009

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Border Sex

It's when one sticks their penis through the American-Mexican Border and another person inserts the penis in a body opening.

(Guy sticks penis through border)
(Woman puts penis in her vagina)
Border Patrol Guy 1: What are they doing?
Border Patrol Guy 2: It's called border sex.

by AFuckingMotherFucker November 22, 2011

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Border High

When someone from a poor country moves into a rich country and forgets their previous poor status. They begin to recklessly spend money on dumb expensive shit or ask other people for money to buy dumb shit. Bonus points if they develop a superiority complex.

Dude 1 - Dude did you hear about the new guy from (insert poor country), he bought 800$ Gucci Shoes!
Dude 2 - Yeah, I would feel bad about his border high, but he is an arrogant dick.

by ILikeDefiningThings August 27, 2018

Border Wall

A combination act: a Santorum, followed by a Donkey Punch, a Dirty Sanchez, and a Rusty Fishhook. Afterwards you climb over the body.

Why does Trump need $8 Billion for a Border Wall? I'm sure he could find an asylum seeker willing to do it for a lot less.

by Codedaddy April 20, 2019


A offensive term for a Mexican.

Mexicans are filthy border-jumpers!

by good_boyo November 30, 2017

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Reverse Borders

Reverse Borders is a border policy which is practically incomprehensible, off-compass on the pro-immigration side of the immigration axis. It aims to do the exact opposite of what borders are meant to due, meaning it believes it should be policy that the citizenry of a region should vacate the interior of the country and only allow immigrants in the country.

"Reverse Borders policy is really inconprehensible, but a good example of that would be open a country for immigrants and move the native inhabitants of it to the countryside, the Israel-Palestine relations are a basic example of how reverse borders would work, Palestinians would be the native inhabitants and Israelis the imigrants and while Palestinians move to the countryside, Israelis keep taking the place of the Palestinians in the country."

by Full Monteirism April 22, 2021