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boy with a toy

some white trash piece of shit that buys his toys at toys are us

look at that boy with a toy he is such a fag

by boy with a toy August 24, 2017

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

toy boi

a lesbian who is 'kept'by an older nore protective lesbain.
see boi, nephew and uncle

by dreever June 4, 2003

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Fuck boys, Buy toys

To forget about men and buy a toy

Michelle: He treats me like shit

Nessa: Fuck boys, Buy toys

by Elly Greenwood June 24, 2011

39πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

toy boy

when someone named billy herron completely SUCKS at graffiti and he writes kray and thinks he is so good at taggin because he can do an ok peice on paper and gets mad wen he realizez he sucks with actual paint

wow what a toy boy

by memothetagger August 31, 2008

31πŸ‘ 197πŸ‘Ž

Big Boys With Big Toys

Exactly what it says just some big boys (Teenagers) with big toys (Whatever you want it to be)
Only some stupid group of Teens can use this

Girl: man that group of XC boys is hot

Friend: yeah there the Big Boys With Big Toys

by Big Boy with da toy March 21, 2019

Tennis Boys and Tennis Toys Party

Party at which all participants, both male and female, wear tennis attire. When ever two sets of eyes meet at such a party, each person then proceed in showing, or flashing the other their private parts.

I love a good Tennis Boys and Tennis Toys Party. Those parties are so awesome. I love seeing me some titties!

by Anonymous1232145 March 28, 2010

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Exclusive Boy Toy

Referred to as EBT, when you’re more than friends, but aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend but has more meaning than Friends with benefits (FWB)

Are you seeing someone?
I am single, but I have a exclusive boy toy

by Emgracet December 8, 2019