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Basically, braindead means someone so stupid, that they don't think about anything and does everything stupid and talks extremely stupid things that don't make even a bit sense.

Baby, I love you so much, that 60 minutes feels like 1 hour!
Oh, really? I love you so much!!

such a lmao moment, these two are too braindead and have 2 braincells

by Sashimi シ April 7, 2020


the exact definition of the equivalence of Dream’s little face reveal, whom he thought he was gonna get so much praise

Dream Stan: omg girl did you see my hubby’s face reveal!! Gogy will definitely love him now!! #DNF!!
Normal Person: yeah, he sure must’ve been braindead to even imagine pulling that off, i hated that guy anyway.

by ashamedofashh October 4, 2022


my cousin, alaya

some cool guy: okay
alaya: ok
some cool guy: that was a long time
alaya: why
some cool guy: what?
alaya: yes
some cool guy: you are braindead

by chigglewanword1854 July 10, 2023


Someone who says Saitama>Goku

I am braindead

by Marcusdaslayer July 29, 2021


A very harsh way to call someone moron, if you get called this there's no way you're going to let them get away with that.
Usually it is said when someone is mad and frustrated with a person because they can't get their point across because of either their absurd stupidity or the person calling them braindead doesn't know what he's talking about and is getting mad.

"Dude there's only 2 sexes'
- "Um, no?? There's a lot"
"There's penis and vagina reserved for men and women, what other sex is there"
- "What do you mean?"
"Are you fucking braindead or something?"

by lolifucker August 3, 2022



youre a braindead piece of shit

by Gaxiolas November 12, 2022


To have no working brain

He was so braindead he couldn’t speak

by T.Trudi March 25, 2019