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Delivery or "casting" of information via some medium, historically by females (hence "broad").

Those broads on TV last night were doing some fine quality broadcasting.

by fuckmyarmpit October 24, 2022

Gator Broadcast

1: A complete 10 minutes wasted of life every day.
2: A group of children attempting to fuck around with some expensive-ass equipment, essentially filming child pornography
3: The embodiment of AIDS and Stage 4 Cancer

"Damn bro, your mom made you go through another goddamn Gator Broadcast"
"You just joined up with Gator Broadcast? Damn, you must really be suicidal.

by Ms. Sherman December 12, 2018


When someone talks business absurdly loud on a phone call in public like in an office, hallway, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. Blue tooth or ear buds is commonly involved with this phenomenon as well.

I couldn't get any work done because Babs was broadcasting around the office the whole time.

by Ride or Cry December 5, 2018

Orgy broadcast sexting

Where some people have an orgy and everyone is sexting out photos of scenes from the orgy on there cell phone.

There orgy broadcast sexting.

by judge dredd7 October 12, 2012


Someone who talks on and on in group conversations and doesn't listen to anybody else.

Angela has been talking for 15 minutes straight! She is such a broadcaster!

by Funky General September 1, 2020