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adj., Characterized by excessive or unnecessary frugality; cheap; of poor quality in general.

See: Lloyd Carr's play-calling while head football coach at the University of Michigan.

"What kind of budget-ass decorations are these?!"
"Getting Subway for dinner was a budget-ass move."

by Torrey Armstrong January 25, 2008

budget wipe

Using both sides of a wad of toilet paper to wipe your ass after taking a shit in order to conserve. Originally considered as a way to save money for frequent shitters by buying less TP but used more often by broke college students or military personnel in the field with limited access to said TP.

Wes: There's only one roll of TP left in the bathroom till payday. Piiiissssss!!!

Nick: Looks like we're gonna have to budget wipe till then man. Shiiiiiiit!!!

by Jerrami J. August 26, 2008

budget dust

money that is said to be insignificant when compared to other, usually planned, expenditures.

Pete Dick: "There is my sister's ex-boyfriend Robertto, lets go over and say hi, he will buy us a drink."
Robertto: "Hey Pete, how are you?"
Pete Dick: "let me buy you a drink."
Robertto: "Please, put your money away I will get you a drink."
Pete Dick: "Robertto, how do you afford to do this, you must be an international man of leisure..."
Robertto: "what, these drinks, this is budget dust for me compared to how much money your sister used to make me pay for dill does and other sex toys!"
The Cooker: "I heard that about her!"
Robertto (laughing): "Yeah, I really broke her heart when I dumped her, sorry Pete."
Pete Dick: "Forget about it, baby bubba, we are still friends, just shut up and Irish yourself."

by Pete Dick March 21, 2008

Budget Stalker

A person who stalks a minor local celebrity because they can't afford to travel to Hollywood or New York to lurk an A-lister.

Did you hear about that lady that was stalking Bam Margera? Must have been a budget stalker, who the hell would want to obsess over that guy?

by KidCuervo February 27, 2013

ballin' on a budget

The act of ballin whilst strapped for cash.

Yo mang until the first I be ballin' on a budget, ya heard?

Man fuck the nigga, he ballin' on a budget, shit his chain made of plastic.

by ThugDoubt March 24, 2004

151๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

budget deficit

When the governing body of any type of business of government has less money than is needed by a rather substantial amount.

We have a budget deficit. Oh arse biscuits.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Budge It

To move something out of place. Opposite of nudget (Nudge It)

<YudGherp> It won't budge!
<PruneMech> Then budget harder, asslace!

by Bastardized Bottomburp June 23, 2003

2๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž