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A term used by Hispanic soccer players on the east coast as a word or exclamation for bad touch or finish

Coach Jorge: Burro first touch Owen!

Daniel: Oh that's a burro shot Ryan!

by Seenor Jane April 19, 2021


It means Donkey in Spanish but you can also use it to describe someone who is stubborn or doesn't listen.

Mom: It's your bedtime go to sleep.

Kid: But mom, I'm not done watching the novela.

Mom: No seas burro and listen to your mother!

by kokos4kim November 26, 2019


burro has a big dick and gets the most bitches

burros tell a women his name and gets head

by plataussy January 22, 2022

Anão burro

When a midget named Antonio fonseca aka Tonho does something dumb
Comes from the portuguese language

"Porra antonio anão burro"

by Jablock January 13, 2022