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butt hole magic

Lube for a booty juke} Also known as BHM. Common forms of BHM include, KY Jelly, Anal Ease, Astroglide, Crisco, cooking oil, Penoil 10W-30, dish soap, grease from McDonalds, Vaseline, Jello, Turtle Wax, and soul glow.

I wanted to hit this bitch from the back, but I didn't have any Butt Hole Magic. Damn!!

by Trick Booty August 22, 2006

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Butt Hole Surfer

A male of homosexual persuasion who participates in fucking guys in the butt

Eww.. are you a butt hole surfer

by pinkie pie December 1, 2003

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Butt Hole Surfer

A gentlement who owns a small dog, a traveller on the marmite motorway.

"What out for that guy he's a Butt Hole Surfer"

by Dirty Sanchez November 15, 2003

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Butt-hole Grip

The clenching of the sphincter ani externus both voluntarily and in-voluntarily during sexual intercourse. Not to be mistaken with the clenching of the vagina.

Having anal sex with that girl hurt due to her ridiculous butt-hole grip.

by Brown Master P January 24, 2012

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Second Butt Hole

Invented by Thomas Jefferson in 1796, the Second Butt Hole is an additional anus created in order to alternate pooping. While maximizing efficiency, the Second Butt Hole also provides relief to the primary butt hole, so that you don't get sore from all that pooping.

The Second Butt Hole is most famous from its appearance in the film Titanic. Ben Stiller has also reported being an avid fan of the Second Butt Hole.

"Man I was so wasted last night, I was shitting all morning. Thank God I have the Second Butt Hole"

by Minerva McGonagall May 11, 2009

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butt hole of the world

The worst place on earth; any socioeconomically poor area; the last place you want to live or visit or pass through or hear about in conversation, or accidentally see on map; township devoid of culture; areas so boring, there has been a mass exodus of attractive women; lock all doors/windows

Fresno may be in California, but it's still the butt hole of the world.

by taxes4life June 4, 2010

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butt-hole crusader

One who is a priest and catholic school princible. Usually attracted to young males and fellow co-workers. One who receives pleasure from harming others.

The butt-hole crusader wouldn't let me leave school till I said eighty hail marys for swearing.

Hundreds of catholic school principles attended the Butt-hole crusader convention at the town civic center this week.

Since Father Mcdonald became principle, his addiction to power has made him a butt-hole crusader.

by bigstantheman April 1, 2011

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