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call me out by my name

when someone is putting your name in their mouth . Usually used in the ghettos of the United States

That triflin ass hoe CALL ME OUT BY MY NAME

by Geoff is not a name October 19, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Jerk Store Called, They're Running out of You!

George Costanza's burn that he invented in response to a co-worker telling him that "Hey George the Ocean called, they are running out of shrimp" He thinks it is the greatest diss ever, but all his friends don't laugh at it

From the show Seinfeld

George: The Jerk Store called, They're running out of you!
Jerry, Kramer, and Elaine: Ehhhh

by Sinatrafan77 January 8, 2012


A form of verbal abuse with the intention to make the victim feel guilty. Like getting raped but it's actually justified you deserved it 100%. Worse is the dilemma you get put into between dismissing it and making yourself look worse than before or giving in to their twisted perception and making yourself look weak-minded. The worst verbal abuse in existence. Bar none.

A: I did a harmless thing only to get a call-out on it for being "rude". Not only that, when I objected, even more people started calling me out on it and made me feel guilty over nothing. It felt far more burdensome than when some random stranger called me a racial slur. Because it's not like I deserved that.

by Someone32143214 October 8, 2021

Call out

Hey why don't you do that to the people who use "small dick" as a pejorative? I've never seen a video doing what you just did there regarding "small dick" you know that right? Have you seen the videos I've seen and made an entire ass response video and posted it to the internet? I know 1 guy who did. And it wasn't you. How is it that when I shame a whore for thinking a retard is better than me, I'm the asshole but when YOU shame me for thinking I'm better than a retard you're not an asshole? And thus you've given yourself license to think you're better than me. AND you've LIKELY extended that to the retard. Am I allowed to think I'm better than a Nazi? If you're a determinist than the Nazi couldn't have done otherwise, literally. Do YOU have to DEFEND Nazi now? Who am I to think I'm better than a Nazi (And YOU KNOW DAMN WELL that I'm not comparing retards to Nazi you fucking idiot I KNOW that THAT EXACT THOUGHT was caressing the folds of that FUCKING shit-brain of yours so don't even try to utter it you pig)? They couldn't have done otherwise! Are you the arbiter now of who people get to think they're better than? Who am I allowed to be better than, to you? Midwestern garbage-can bitch is the decider of who I get to be better than now I guess. Ok. It seems real fair what you're doing there. She's the decider now guys! Look-look! The decider is upon us once more! It's been decided. The retard is allowed to be better than me but I'm not allowed to be better than retard.

Hym "Not to call out your call out but 'Calling Christians mentally ill is an insult to the mentally ill' doesn't sound as good as you might think... There is an inconsistency in his need for care that I refuse to validate with my tolerance. And you're all fucking nutjobs. Dealing with you (at all levels of magnitude) is literally 95% of the shit I have to deal with. Some of you are dope. Like Team 4 star. But you? I don't know about you. Some of you are very-very lame."

by Hym Iam October 6, 2023

Call out sick

A good way to get yourself fired. Well, that is if you do it only to have fun somewhere, such as the beach.

Cesar: Hey, did you hear that Carl did something that was not only really dumb but also completely selfish?
Becky: I did not, what did he exactly do?
Cesar: Well, he decided to call out sick, but only to go have fun somewhere.
Becky: That is so selfish of him, was he allowed to keep his job?
Cesar: No, he got fired.
Becky: Good, idiots like that deserve to get the boot.

by PhoenixGamer34 June 11, 2021

Call out humour

Humour that is based on making a joke by calling out someone or something

Man. i Love south park due to its Call out humour

by Anonymous694206663629 July 31, 2023

Call out push ups

A form of currency amongst gamblers usually wagered in prop bets. If you owe someone call out push ups you must do them immediately without question as directed, anywhere, anytime.

Is also applied to sit ups or anything else bored gamblers can think of.

Call out push ups example:

Degenerate 1: 200 call out pushups I can beat you at backgammon?

Degenerate 2: Sure.

Minutes, months, years or even decades later..

Degenerate 2 in Degenerate 1's office in front of Degenerate 1's boss: I'll take ten right now.

Degenerate 1 does 10 push ups.

Degenerate 2: What time's your wedding tomorrow?

Degenerate 1: 4pm.

Degenerate 2: I'll see you then. You might wanna stretch out. I might cash in on all 190 so it's a day to remember ๐Ÿ˜Š

by spuncer December 9, 2020