Source Code

Canine Configuration

Doggy Style for classy people.

Gerald requested the Canine Configuration for his birthday. Heather laid there and thought of England.

by YipYipYip December 10, 2013


Political correctness gone completely bezerk

Humane Society Leaders: You can't refer to this animal as a dog. This is a CANINE-AMERICAN. We're taking you to court. Where's Jesse Jackson when we need him.

Person 1: Nice German Shepherd
Uptight treehugging loony (in a high pitched voice): excuse me???? This is a canine-german-american. How dare you offend his culture you racist.

by quiggler September 15, 2006

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Canine Special

Liberally apply peanut butter to your dick and call over the family dog. Lick Ubu lick. Good Dog. Arf!

by tnt May 2, 2003

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Canine's testes

Poncey synonym for the Dog's Bollocks.

That rollercoaster was the absolute dog's bollocks. It was the proverbial canine's testes.

by dcs234 May 22, 2006

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Canine Genitalia

See: The dog's bollocks, the mutt's nuts
Meaning: The very best - unbeatable.

The Bugatti Veyron is the canine genitalia mate, I'm tellin yer!

by stonelaughter January 19, 2009

canine h20

another way of saying 'dog water'

"you're badddd, you're canine h20", taken from the infamous song called "One Shot"

by creator of canine_h20 February 20, 2022

Canine Cumshot

Right as you're cumming, your dog trots over and walks right into your cumshot making your pooch temporarily blind and disoriented.

Jim: The weirdest thing happened to my dog yesterday.
John: What happened bro?
Jim: I gave him an accidental Canine Cumshot.

John: WTF!

by DarkWolfRising January 4, 2011

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