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Commercial conversation

Having a conversation with someone only during the commercial break of a TV show or sporting event, quickly ending when the program comes back on.

Only having 2 minutes and two seconds per commercial conversation, Danny and June took the entire Super Bowl to decide where to have dinner that weekend.

by bob_c_o January 18, 2010

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Positive Commercialism

A social philosophy which prioritizes the incentivisation of putative self-interested agents to cooperate with one another through trade and/or to incentivize people to find ways to improve each others lives Similar To: Social Entrepreneurship

Elon Musk is a big fan of positive commercialism providing internet to remote areas with Starlink, eschewing the externalities inbrought by fossil fuel powered vehicles with his electric car company Tesla, and hedging humanities chances of survival by making us a interplanetary species with his Space company SpaceX.

by MurdochMaxwell November 12, 2019

commercial whaleing

To go out looking, hunting for extremely obese women(like the mother in, What's Eating Gilbert Grape), to have sexual relations with.

Way past hogging, plus no alcohol, or drugs is involved, just the pure enjoyment, and bragging rights of beaching a real heavey, or worthy trophy.

My cousin said upon seeing a two extremley large girls, one with a 4 prong cane, the other on a jazzy scooter, "it looks like a great night to be Commercial Whaleing".

A coworker of mine, said after a night of commercial whaleing, he was afraid they were going to have to cut the wall out of his house to remove his prize.

by JJBIII October 16, 2009

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japanese commercials

Downright the most weirdest shit you'll ever see on a TV outside the states.

Watching Japanese commercials is the equivalent of your mind flipping the fuck out from ecstasy

by Spoke reasons February 23, 2014

wtf commercial

A commercial that is completely irrelevant to the product

guy 1: i was watching this commercial with 3 hot babes having a pillow fight. i was left asking wtf when i found out it was for a chevy truck.

guy 2: oh dude thats a wtf commercial

by rh15 November 8, 2009

commercial raped

a) When a commercial precedes a video and you cannot pause, fast forward, or click out of it.
b) When are forced to watch commercial endorsements, no matter how much you want it to stop.

While watching my favorite episode of South Park on Hulu, I was commercial raped by Comedy Central.

by yazzi_2k April 12, 2010

off the commercials

Verb. A slang term originating from resembling the act of one's self or another being engaged in any type of action, energetic work, activity, or constant motive that never seems to come to a stop. This can have a negative or positive connotation, depending on context, such as describing a person who is constantly coming up with mind-blowingly creative ideas, or perhaps someone just out of control or acting weird.

A break from an activity or action would resemble that of a commercial break on television thus the term "He's off the commercials"

Adjectives: off the shits, on some other shit, geeked up, doped up, on a tip, trippin.

1. Student #1: Man this teacher hasn't stopped going on and on about linear equations, he won't take a break.
Student #2: Yea bro he's off the shits
Student #3: That boi Mr. Wahnon off the commercials for real!!!

Bro #1: Aye bra you seen Christopher's post's on Instagram bra? He's looking swole bra!
Bro #2: Yeah bra he's been hitting up the gym with Gabe lately, you know him he's never not at the gym I heard he hits the weights like 3 times a day!
Bro #1: Trueee! That boi is off the commercials for real!!!!

Frat boi #1: Wtf did you guys give Zuriel? He hasn't stopped break dancing he looks like he's having a seizure all over the floor for the past 3hours!
Frat boi #2: Normal reaction giving him a little wiff of some coke.. don't worry he'll be off the commercials eventually.

by AssMucus April 13, 2017