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console whore

Developer who thinks PC gaming is dying by pirating and therefore won't release their game on it, which could be fixed by not spending money on Anti-Pirate measures.

EA games, GTA IV, the list goes on, Like how Dan Houser has became a console whore.

by Bobtrannyman May 20, 2008

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Console War

An epic battle, equivalent to a dick measuring, or pissing contest. It pits the next-gen consoles against eachother - in this case, the Wii, X360, and Playstation 3 - in a battle... TO THE DEATH! Fanboys on all sides shall be hurling shit at eachother, while those of us who remain in the center shall laugh. Hillarity will ensue every battle, and the casualties will mount. Pick a side, or lackthereof, but be warned: choose the ultimate loser (all sides, except the center/neutral position), and you are to be fucked with for the ages.

In the future, more "wars" of the like will surely follow.

Fanboys across the globe are creaming their pants, in anticipation of the grand Console War, of the second generation.

by Amerikaner October 20, 2006

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console fanboy

One who defines consoles on Urban Dictionary.

Nintendo Fanboy: Wiiiiii I want to play with my wiiiiiiiii!!!!

XBox Fanboy: Halo is the ONLY game that matters all other games suck. Games with shitty graphics suck.

Playstaion Fanboy: The PS3 will be the most advanced console to date. All other consoles will suck.

Me: Shut the fuck up console fanboy's.

by DvdBengals December 7, 2006

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console gaming

Similar to playing video games on consoles, except involving yelling and screaming as well as banging on walls.

I didn't sleep last night because my suitemates were console gaming

by Darren Alcorn November 22, 2003

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Consolation Success

Consolation success or a consolation achievement is when you put a lot of effort and concentration into achieving something or getting better at something, and only after you've tried for so long that you begin to give up, do things start to "work out" for you. Often, it is more of a slap in the face than a happy acquisition. The consolation comes in giving you your success only because you worked yourself so hard that you gave up and life begins to feel sorry for you. God's way of playing keep away perhaps.

"After so many years in the movie business and his involvement in tonnes of great films, Christopher Plummer only received his first oscar in 2012, at the age of 83. That consolation success must feel more painful than if he retired with no award at all."

by cursedkid March 31, 2013

console kid

When a kid is so obsessed with console games that he refuses to say that many PC games are better and take more skill, even though he knows this is true deep down. He will get into huge arguments and starts name calling when losing the argument and almost always will say that MW2 on console is the best game ever even though any true gamer knows that game is trash (takes no skill, aim-assist galore) and real skilled games are games such as Halo 3 on 360 and CS 1.6, CSS, and COD4 on PC. Console kids do not include Halo 3 MLG pros. Halo 3 MLG Pros are usually highly respected by the PC gaming community and respect PC Pros as well. Console kids are usually the ones that suck at Halo 3, and resort to playing Call of Duty on 360 or PS3 because they could never play a game that takes skill.

pc kid: Uh nice??? I just watched Team Fnatic win $10,000 Euros in a Pro Tournament on COD4 PC.
console kid: Well MW2 on 360 got dropped from MLG, and COD4 did too...
pc kid: What because MLG only has real games on their pro circuit? nuff said.

by wtflol1 July 24, 2010

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Console War

The word 'console war' came about when a little competition broke into a petty argument caused by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft fanboys all hurling insults at each others' consoles. The console war has caused a lot of people to fall out.
Fanboys treat the console war as if it's a real war.

An argument between three types of fanboy:

"Nintendo is for kids!"
"Yeah, well Sony copied Nintendo's Gameboy with it's PSP!"
"Yeah! Well Microsoft are the richest company ever!"

by Arran January 3, 2005

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