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well first of all, they are the most fucking awesome shoes ever. FUCK OFF all the bitches and pussys that think that people only wear them to fit in. Truth is, that's why i bought my first pair, then i loved the shoes and decided fuck everyone, i wear em cuz i like em, not because its a style or some shit. I dont even HAVE a fucking style. I will wear these shoes because i think there kick ass, and whoever thinks i'm a poser, or bitch, or conformist, or nonconformist, or prep, or nerd or WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY CALL ME, CAN FUCK OFF AND GET A FUCKING LIFE. YOU GUYS SUCK ASS AND PEOPLE SHOULD BE ABLE TO WEAR THESE FOR WHATEVER REASON THEY WANT! FUCK YOU ALL!YOU DESERVE TO HAVE YOUR LITTLE FUCKING PATHETIC ASSES WHOOPED AND SHOULD ALL GO OUT AND FUCKING KILL YOURSELVES BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO IMPORTANT REASON TO LIVE AND BE AMONG REAL PEOPLE WHO CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT THINK THAT CONVERSES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH ANY FUCKING FASHION OR STYLE OR "POSER" RELATED SHIT.

stupid fucked up wannabe skater shit person #1: your converse shoes are fucking gay and poser.
me: fuck off dumb shit, you have nothing better to do than call people fucking posers ever since your tight pants squeezed your fucking balls off and you started hanging out with other fucking pansy fagots like yourself.)

(o ya i got nothing against tight pants, just the stupid fucker bitches that are usually wearing them, like said above.)


47๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


Converse r like sik shoes, they used 2 b heaps individual but now everyone wears em and stupid girly magazines have started getting preppy idiots 2 model them, its so demented!!! and yeah other brands of shoes r making try hard "converse" so they arent as special any more...i F'ing hate it....ut they stil are my most favourite shoes in the world.....all star chuck taylors....till the day i die \m/

i love my new converse shoes, like hardly anyone has them.....
6 months later.....
WTF everyone has converse, all these preppy dickheads, this is so stupid!!!

by i wanna sleep February 3, 2006

39๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


awesome shoes that look awesome dirty and worn out rather then spik and span.... ya everyone wears them.... it used to be just rockers and goths but now preps and people wear them to

i was so freakin mad when my sister borrowed my filthy converses and cleaned them!!!!!!

i bought some white converses for skool this year and they were so freakin clean! so i wore them outside in the mud and on the half pipe and got them dirty before skool started then they looked so rocksum!!!!

by aaaahhhhhhhhhhh February 13, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) a geometric term
2) a type of shoes, Chuck Taylors, that used to be popular in the 80's. Are now having a revival, except that Nike bought the company and the only people who wear them are people who realize that this is the latest trend. People write stuff on the rubber parts, and some are made all colorful and printed. Little do these people know that Chucks are made by poor people in sweatshops in Taiwan. Losers.

oh my god, i just got a new pair of converse yesterday for like 88 dollars, they're all pink and sparkly! Let's draw smiley faces in permanent marker on them! So fab.

by wearmelikesilk April 10, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


converse can be used to define other words or phrases such as "the shit", "chick magnet", "lady killer", "most badass mother alive", and "wicked steezy". these do not begin to define the true meaning of converse. when you think of the ultimate, you think only of converse.

converse can be used as an adj or verb.

I just pulled a converse.

I am conversing the shit out of the mountain.

That's so converse.

That looks so converse.

by smarz85 April 3, 2006

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Inexpensive shoes made in Nike sweatshops.

In response to Nike's purchase of Converse, Addbusters began to manufacture their own converse-like shoes in union run, fare-trade factories. Instead of the converse logo, they use a black spot thus making Blackspot shoes

Converse shoes blow and are worn only by assholes who want to fit in

by Roc the Emo_Dreamo April 20, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A brand name of shoes. That is pwned by Nike. Therefore, not only are dumbass Nikes being make in sweatshops, but so are Chucks. Screw Nike, Screw Converse.

I burned my pair of Converse.

by S.I.M. November 15, 2007

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