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Keiran Cornish

Sexiest man alive.

Keiran Cornish had sex with my girlfriend:(

by Oxford English * July 6, 2021

Cornish Edwards

A type of fart - typically loud but without real venum

Woo, I just dropped a Cornish Edwards!

by Dr Danger September 1, 2010

Cornish pasty

A derogatory term used to describe a silly white person.

"You know Aiden? He keeps trying to act black but he ain't."
"That dude is just being a cornish pasty as always."

by ofln_ May 19, 2020

cornish pasty

A move in penis puppetry when the scrotum is stretched out and pulled tight to cover all of your genetalia. Therefore, your cock and balls form the pasty filling and your sack, the delicious pastry casing. Advanced performers of this move can also achieve the 'braided ridge' effect of a real-life cornish pasty.

We were having a show-off, and one thing lead to another: I ended up busting out the cornish pasty.

by MrKoi May 16, 2007

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Cornish Kabab

A sexual maneuver associated with Cock and Ball Torture, where a man's partner skewers both of his testicles with any pointy object, commonly a large toothpick or kabab stick, imitating the popular dish "shish kabab"

Me and my girl got really crazy last night and she gave me a Cornish Kabab, so i'm gonna be out of commission for the next few months

by Chib Scrungus January 8, 2020

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Cornish Lifeguard

Sexual Position in which, the female lays down, face first, on the shore with both hands by her side. Her lower back should be arched, at this point, the male who plays the role of the Cornish lifeguard, (who is just finishing his pasty), is thrusting his fallace in her anus. The added bonus is that the tide allows the female to freely and lifelessly sway back and forth in the cooling cornish tide.

First Guy: So how did the date with Mandy go?
Second Guy: Couldn't have been better, we did the Cornish Lifeguard. - All day.

by The Cornish Lifeguard. September 28, 2010

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cornish hen

A person, whether male or female, who reacts with stereotypically teenage exurberance in regard to a trivial issue such as a person of the opposite sex or celebrity. Derived from the corny, clucking-like sounds such individuals make.

Don't pay any attention to the fans when you get off the tour bus, they're a bunch of cornish hens!

by Sarepta May 2, 2006

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