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β€œCome on you Saintsβ€œ used by the BEST rugby league team of St Helens

Friend 1: St Helens are playing today
Friend 2: YES! COYS!!

by Scousetwatgeorge November 11, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(noun, verb)
1. Somebody who always screws up simple tasks; to screw up something very simple; usually due to fear.
2. Messing anything up because of fear.
1. Constantly intimidated and unable to act.

1. All that coy had to do was be a man, but now that redhead owns him.
1. He had her topless and begging, but he coyed it all up and settled for booby action.
1. Don't be so frickin' coy! Smack that chic's ass!

by thelegendruck March 12, 2008

17πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


a joke referring to a scene in Spiderman: Homecoming.

"Oh my coy!"
"You are so coyin' pretty."
"What? oh, coy"
"Do you want to to the coy"

by oh my coy July 11, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Internet shorthand for "Crying On the Inside" - sort of opposite of LOL.

boss123: I need you to work overtime this weekend - sorry about the vegas trip.
minion835: COI

by uroboros January 10, 2011

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Coy is a type of person that would do anything to make His girlfriend happy giving her money is a thing a coy would do even though they are blinded buy "Love"he will spend as much as he can on her. .

Gf:Give me some money

Coy:Love you
Gf:........wheres the money?

by K.s.e November 30, 2017

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


means what ever you want it to mean. It's a verb,noun,adjective,etc.

stop being coy.where going to that coy club. i'm going to start acting coy.

by yung O December 11, 2007

10πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

playing coy

to avoid giving direct answers, a shy manipulative way to keep your information to yourself

Ben: i asked Kye about the fight but he wouldn’t tell me anything i didn’t already know
Eli: i’d say he’s just not a rat, but Kye is always playing coy

by coywow May 21, 2021