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crumbly cheesecake

Crumbly cheesecake= when your lady falls asleep you jerk off onto her vagina without waking her up. In the morning you scrap off her vagina with your fingers and sprinkle the crumbs on her face to wake her up.

I heard that Leo gave her a crumbly cheesecake to wake here up.

by mankered up March 14, 2014

Crumble Cake

1.) A young man who is unsuccessful when he talks to girls.

2.) The act of talking and trying to hook up with a girl but failing miserably.

"Oh man Tony is such a crumble cake, I thought he was going to build a Treehouse last night."

by Fego May 26, 2008

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crumble this cookie

A phrase, usually uttered by attractive yet really stuck up females. It is used to make it seem like the odds of you getting them naked in the sack are close to nil.

The standard usage is: "You could never crumble this cookie", although variants are frequently encountered in the wild, especially when it comes to girls who are car hoppers.

Girl: "I'm far from a rookie. And you could never ever crumble this cookie"

by channel_panel November 25, 2018

violet crumble

A term referring to girls who are brunettes but act like stereotypical blondes. Derived from the violet crumble chocolate bar- chocolate covered honeycomb.

Rachael is such a violet crumble!

by pheebs October 28, 2003

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mr crumble

Mr cumble is soemone who sticks apples in his bum


by Brhanfh November 6, 2017

Meaty Crumbles

The brown bits of shit laden toilet paper that are left on the toilet seat, when someone wipes their asshole clean after a hearty bowel movement.

Steve must have taken a huge smash in the menโ€™s roomโ€ฆ.he left meaty crumbles all over the toilet seat. What the fuck? Canโ€™t he wipe up after himself?

Who the fuck left the meaty crumbles all over the toilet seat?

by Lammychops May 7, 2021

belly crumble

putting a fat belly onto someones face and crushing their head into the ground!

im gona belly crumble you Bitch

by Martin Warren Pilkington September 14, 2008

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