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Motor Cyclist

Usually groups of Men that like to dress up together in tight leather and ride around on motorcycles at the weekend. Often found at lunch time in country pubs with their leathers half off with tight white vests.
They also like to compare each others tight leathers, and rank is judged on whose leathers are the most expensive.

They also like to compare each others "helmets" by size and colour.

They are also often found complaining about drivers of automobiles, but will then quite happily cut up the inside of you on the motorway and complain when someone on a motorbike gets hurt because it was never their fault.

That motor cyclist is a wanker.

It is never the motorcyclists fault.

Im cool because i am a motor cyclist.

by Ross Dynamic July 11, 2008

18👍 71👎

Everyday Cyclist™

A euphemism for a Fred.

An Everyday Cyclist™ may own a bike, ride a bike, and actually be reasonably fast on the bike, yet they do not know how to truly ride a bike.

A dilettante.

A personal trainer with a bicycle.

Jim illustrated, by his sloppy and dangerous paceline skills, that he's nothing more than an Everyday Cyclist™.

by Honest Abraham September 25, 2011

9👍 2👎

I'm a cyclist too

Describes a person who claims to be a cyclist and uses that fact along with claims of their vast experience in the activity to claim they have credibility in discussions about bicycling safety. They tend to suffer from an extreme cases of Dunning-Kruger syndrome and Cycling Inferiority Syndrome and are often arrogant anti-car proponents who wish to use cycling to impose their way of life on others.

It actually turns out they seldom know much - not even the most common types of bicycle crashes and how to prevent them or about the complexities of transportation planning and engineering.

With this lack of knowledge, they often find themselves victims of close calls or misunderstanding how the the transportation system works. For every year of cycling they get away with without something happening to them allows them to boast their arrogance and claim that the way they do things is the "safest" or "best" way to do things. This often is contrary to the actual expert advice. Engaging with these people is often frustrating due to their inability to read and make logic, rational arguments.

Competent Cyclist: This proposed piece of infrastructure is dangerous. It increases the risks of certain turning and crossing movements. Each participant cannot be seen until the last minute - the instant right before the two crash.

Arrogant Cyclist: Competent Cyclist is just a vehicular cyclist who doesn't want people of all ages and abilities to bike.I'm a cyclist too , and I ride every day for transportation, and this makes me feel much safer!

by BMUFL January 24, 2019

1👍 3👎