Source Code

debit or credit

when you say "debit or credit?" and without waiting for a response swipe the side of your hand across the back of someone's bare neck in a swiping motion

if you're asked "debit or credit" and reply with "none" or "paypal" you will be murdered

by swaggyfaggy- October 21, 2021

I take debit

The crafty phrase that the homeless man outside the 7-11 responds with after asking you to spare some change. You must say that you are paying for your items with a debit card to trigger this response from the clever, yet annoying, homeless man.

Homeless man: Hey, can you spare some change
Justin: Nah, I am paying with my debit card
Homeless man: I take debit

by Not Really JTanis7 January 4, 2019

Debit Hold-up

When you blow smoke up someone's ass and then they fart the smoke into someone's mouth. An A.T.M. Shotgun, if you will.

I almost didn't survive the Debit Hold-up I did last night. Something flew right into my lung, Ted, and the taste was awful!

by D.R. Hart February 28, 2022

Dumbshit Debits

A dumb, idiotic, stupid person who is somehow in debt with his debit card

Hey you know Nathan?
Yeah, he's such a dumbshit debits he fell down the stairs yesterday watching pokemon

by jamesk12342132 October 4, 2022

debit card game

The "Debit Card Game" is a name used for raping children. As a debit card goes in and out, this signals a rape. It can sound very innocent, but do not be fooled.

Family member: Hey, kid! Would you like to play the debit card game?

*The child agrees, following the family member to somewhere very quiet and empty. They get raped and continue the day like nothing happened.*

by Iamnotfunny July 30, 2022


When something (usually flat ; E.g. Frisbee) gets slotted in between someone's ass cheeks / ass crack (Like swiping a Credit Card)

I'll give you 5 dollars if you can Credit-Or-Debit him

by DrFaust1426 November 15, 2022


When something (usually flat ; E.g. Frisbee) is slotted in someone's ass crack (Like a Credit Card)

I'll give you 5 dollars if you can Credit-Or-Debit that guy

by DrFaust1426 November 15, 2022