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Do-able Decimal Syster

A categorical system used to rank someone on your desire to engage in sex with them. Most commonly ranked between 0 (lowest) and 10 (highest) but can also be categorized by celebrities such as Roseanne (lowest) and Anna Kournikova (highest).

Look at that girl over there. On the do-able decimal system she is a Roseanne for sure.

by matixbrownshirt August 5, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Do-able Decimal System

Do-able Decimal System

A categorical system used to rank someone on your desire to engage in sex with them. Most commonly ranked between 0 (lowest) and 10 (highest) but can also be categorized by celebrities such as Roseanne (lowest) and Anna Kournikova (highest).

Look at that girl over there. On the do-able decimal system she is a Roseanne.

by matixbrownshirt August 5, 2004

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Decimate your d*ck day

On June 14 of every year is decimate your dick day in which you must nut 5 times or more in one day to pass the test

Oh no bro its Decimate your d*ck day tomorrow

by Habe December 20, 2020

The metric system is a consistent and coherent system of units. In other words, it fits together very well and calculations are easy because it is decimal. This is a big advantage for use in the home, education, industry and science.

The metric system is a consistent and coherent system of units. In other words, it fits together very well and calculations are easy because it is decimal. This is a big advantage for use in the home, education, industry and science.

The metric system is a consistent and coherent system of units. In other words, it fits together very well and calculations are easy because it is decimal. This is a big advantage for use in the home, education, industry and science.

by May 2, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pure Decimation

The ultimate in destruction. Sometimes referred to as a god. Usually gets angry easily and can be expected to erupt if pushed over the edge. Also is to be considered the God of Sexual "Fun times"

That kid was such a Pure Decimation last night at the party.

by thatkidnextdoor October 19, 2010


It's meaning is to "decimal." To "decimal" is to use decibals in anything, math related or other. If someone goes to you and asks what you are doing while you're doing a math test, tell that you are "decimaling."

"Hey, Jim, what are you doing in your math test?" "I'm just decimaling."

by GrammarNerd50899 May 29, 2022

Decimation Modpack

Sort of based off of Crafting Dead .... wait it is. The game has a very bouncy and fat developer who doesn't know how to fix his game. The discord has no mute button and their player base is full of garbage 5th graders. The developer, Scotteh, loves hopping on different mod packs and helps them instead of helping his own mod pack. In fact, he doesn't even help his small servers and the game has been changing names and styles for some time now. Don't play it, save your time for something else.

I love playing Decimation Modpack, because it's pretty much stuck in the past and I like old and games that haven't been updated for shit.

by KarenTheComputer February 7, 2018