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A meal that is served usually during night time. Most people eat dinner with family. You don’t have to eat certain foods for dinner.

What do you want to eat for dinner?

by Cobain1987 May 5, 2019

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Where damilies get together to eat a meal and make their boring lives sound somewhat interesting.

At the dinner table-
"Hey honey, guess who sold that house today?"
"Thats right!"

"Mom i got straight A's on my report card!"

by nicolexhalle March 1, 2015

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1. the act of eating a meal in the evening, which is known as "dinner"

I going dinnering and than im going movieing later on tonight.

by Kniggz November 6, 2007

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Dinner is crazy but yet can show there sweet side, Dinner is sweet toward new people until you get to met them then they have a wild side.
(Dinner is my cats name)

Dinner stinks really

by xsvier.csrlson January 7, 2020

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the process by which a girl will go on numerous outings for dinner with no intention of dating, sleeping with, or even kissing the guy who is treating.

Note: this is like a sport in Chicago and NYC.

We went out the third time and i realized she was dinnering me, not dating, so i was never going to get laid.

by New_Uzer November 16, 2016

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ham dinner

A rim job thru a pineapple slice.

Your mother squealed like a piggy when I was giving her a ham dinner.

by tenesmus October 11, 2014

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default dinner

The what to eat decision made for evening meal, usually when out of food.

Damn, the folks are coming over...mac n cheese default dinner? Maybe with hot dog chunks?

Nothing to eat kids. Can smell Jim's grill, though. Sneak over for default dinner.

by msdee January 5, 2017

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