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A profoud feeling of aversion, loathing, sickening, and nausea; often the result of seeing, hearing, or tasting something that is offensive.

I felt nothing but disgust when I saw this evening's dinner, knowing that my siblings let the cat on the kitchen counter to sample the food whilst they are fixing dinner.

by OneBadAsp November 5, 2006

66πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Any gas price which makes you miss the "old days."

$4.17 for a gallon of gas? That's fucking disgusting!

by Saint Jackal May 15, 2008

248πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


Used as a noun to describe something or someone that is repulsing to you either by action or nature. It can also be used as a complete sentance in response to information received.

As a noun:
Indian food is disgustable.
The work he did on my house is disgustable.

As a response to information received:
Party A:Giovanni cheated on his wife, contracted an STD, and passed it on to his wife not knowing.
Part B: Disgustable!

by Umberto Direnzo November 8, 2006

25πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The definition of disgusting is you

The person who typed "disgusting": types
Me: You

by Hi random person! December 22, 2019


something fucking sick and makes you wanna puke.

when i think of kevin and katherine, i get so disgusted.

by Liv Orvis May 11, 2008

40πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


1. The state of being disgusted.
2. The action or process of being disgusting.

"The party at my house last night was crazy. In the morning I woke up to a mess, it was total disgustion..."

by Amanda May April 25, 2007

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The emotion recieved when receiving disgust

β€œDoesn’t that sound good?”
β€œNo, not at all actually.”
β€œWow, out of everything I do for you this is what I get, disgustment”

by NewPseudonym101 March 17, 2019