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Doinking ranges from hooking up to having sex. It's a slightly more appropriate word to say in some situations.

Did Bobby and Jill just doink or are they just friends only?

by tearsintherain January 17, 2009

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A phrase meaning cock.

Ant 'hey guys, suck my doink'

by Face of Rochdale February 11, 2017

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an extraordinarily stupid person

what a doink

by Anonymous March 14, 2003

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The act of hitting someone in the balls.

Dobson was being a dillhole, so I doinked him, and now he has ovaries.

by Moof September 3, 2003

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Someone who is an asshole or a Dick. Generally used when curse words are not appropriate.

My Boss is a real doink.

by Randy Smith June 7, 2006

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Often used as a verb or an adjective, doink can also be a noun. As a noun, doink refers to a small or misshapen penis.


Girl 1: What was sex like with him.

Girl 2: Meh. It was ok other than his doink.
Girl 1: So it was small?

Girl 2: Tiny and crooked. Barely felt a thing

by Neighty1 June 28, 2019


A doink is a marijuana filled blunt or joint, although it originates from the word joint.

Hey pass the doink
Let’s roll a doink
Who’s got the doinkage

by ra1nes April 15, 2018