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absolute dolt

The antonym of dolt. It was pioneered by the famous streamer Ninja, who recently died from ligma.

"You're an absolute dolt."
"Aww man, you really think so."

by jesus4204206969696 October 28, 2020

Dolt 45

An increasingly popular nickname for the 45th President President of the United States, especially with the increase in white supremacist-inspired mass shootings.

Dolt 45 declares the mass shootings to be un-American; an irony because this is exactly what he is.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 5, 2019

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absolute dolt

It is a person who is extremely intelligent, and very funny. Anyone who believes absolute dolt to be a derogatory term is a regular dult. Fuck you

He is an absolute dolt

by lolgae September 22, 2020

Fucking Dolt

(see dolt) An extemely moronic person

Blake is a FUCKING dolt

by Trouble November 15, 2002

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absolute dolt

The antonym of dolt.

Dude my girlfriend is an absolute dolt

by lolgae September 22, 2020

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The Dolt Revolt

The events of January 6th 2021 when a group of trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol to protest and stop the election results from being certified by the United States Congress.

There were many colorful costumes worn during The Dolt Revolt.

by CatchingRays January 7, 2021

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A female dolt, usually a young and nubile teenager.

There's lots of dolt-a-leens in Buffalo.

by Teddu August 6, 2003

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