Source Code

doofy shake

A shake in the program "after effects" that contains of using the steps -180 y positioning or 180 at the end of your clip it gonna be a 0 and then you do the over size graph to create it. This shake is used in many different types of edits and amvs in the editing community via instagram, vine, and tiktok.

Morbius: Did you see Lynix's edit? The doofy shakes hit different!

by PolaroidSavagePanda June 15, 2022


Simon Williams!! A stupid, ugly gimp who likes looking at little girls, lives in a trailer an fucks family members and animals!

Simon Williams, Leather Face, Billy-bob Jones, all of these people class as inbred pieces of shit making them DOODY

by David, Sadat & Athikur July 8, 2004

3πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Doofy Meat

Doofy Meat pertains to a girls who at first glance is doofy, dorky, goofy, etc. But after a few minutes you find her attractive and you think to yourself "I would have a go at her".
Doofy Meat is a Fuckable Dorky, Goofy looking Chick.

Definition compliments of "The Chode Man"

Mike says "Did you meet Nicole"
John replies " Yeah, she's doofy meat".

by Phucker January 23, 2007

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

doofy doopfuck

andrew, the bitch who walked in the ice cream store before tyler the creators concert.

β€œthis doofy doopfuck walks in” -tyler

by the1doofy April 18, 2022


1.A person who is obsesed with guns

2.A person who craves attention

3.A member of newgrounds who nobody likes.

4.A really ugly person

Pilot-Doofy is obsesed with guns so much its unhealthy

He pulled a Pilot-Doofy when he danced on the table

I hate Pilot-Doofy

He is so ugly he is must be Pilot-Doofy

by Justice January 3, 2005

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Funny young, ugly, redneck child of some very un happy parents. A PIlot-Doofy is amongst other things a DOOFUS, as his name leads us to make fun of. He has some major ego problems because somehow he believes he's hot stuff even though he's a lamer with all his big guns that are obviously a futile attempt to regain some masculinity.

Pilot-Doofy is a loser of the worst kind. Also, he seems to be dillusionnal.

Hey look a Doofus; he's desperately trying to keep his thread about his new gun alive. Oh look! Now he's trying to promote his sub par website calles mustywindows. I wonder he was smoking when he came up with that one. What a pethetic waste of flesh.

by pops January 3, 2005

11πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Oofie Doofie

A doofus who makes a ton of oofs.

Oofie Doofie, your big gay.

by dankbiceps February 7, 2019

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž