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Open doors movement

A movement that seeks to abolish all restrictions on immigration so that anyone who wants to live in the US can justcome here and automaticly become a US citizan with all it's rights.

John is in the open doors movement.

by Deep blue 2012 May 6, 2010

2👍 8👎

Captain kickin' in open doors

A variant of 'Captain State the Obvious'

Tss Captain kickin' in open doors!

by CaptainessObvious June 25, 2011

Barn Door Is Open

A phrase used to describe when someone’s pants zipper is down; because in the barn door is the hog (penis).

Hey Jimmy your barn door is open!”

by CreamyDreamSupreme May 1, 2023

Door open moose

Patented by TSN's Jeff "O-Dog" O'Neil, a "door open moose" refers to the act of leaving the bathroom door open or ajar during the act of "pooping". The term moose refers to the size of the donation.

"My wife is not impressed with me, I just did a door open moose". "Please close the door, no one wants to watch you door open moose"

by grittyt February 15, 2018

Left the Side Door Open

When someone leaves their colostomy opening exposed allowing for sexual penetration in lieu of sodomy, due to the rerouting of the anus.

I wasn't feeling frisky but I left the side door open just in case.

by All Bets Hedged January 6, 2021