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Drive Thru

When the sex is shorter than the time you wait in a Drive thru.

"Was he a Drive Thru?"

by Rsquid March 7, 2014

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carribean drive-thru

when a man is titty fucking a woman and proceeds to pour malibu rum on his shlong(penis) as the woman proceeds to give the man head while titty fucking

"you know that hoe tanisha"

"ya, why?"

"after da club i was titty fucking her and busted out the malibu rum and gave her the carribean drive-thru"

by bill brasky December 12, 2007

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Drive-Thru Town

Towns that only have one main road, and shops on either side of this road.

There’s nothing special about (town name), it’s just a Drive-Thru town.

by CaptainSivDad January 19, 2021

Drive Thru Hoe

a stupid hoe who always chooses her men like a meal at a drive thru. She can order one meal or order four.

Karla: Did you hear Brittney likes Jacob and wants to ask him out !

Celeste: But isn't she dating Daniel ?!!?

Karla: Well shes a drive thru hoe, what do you expect ?

by Tom Sanders X November 19, 2019

Drive-thru dating

when you flirt or get flirted with at a drive-thru window

Use your imagination

-"Where are my nuggets ?!"

>"Oh shoot, I forgot, I got flirted with at the window, the next step might be Drive-thru dating"

by Drive-thru-dater January 15, 2010

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Chinese Drive-Thru

A Chinese drive thru is where a Chinese person takes your order through an electric device.... and you can't understand anything the Asian is saying.

Asian - Hellowwww, me I taque yourrrrr ordaaa?

Guy - What?

Asian - Me hiy teque yoor odaaaa?

Guy - Can you put another person on the line?

Asian - oqueeeeeee, howld ommmm ay sequond

Guy - Don't you hate it when you need to go through a Chinese Drive-Thru

by MW2 Freak January 5, 2011

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McDonalds Drive-Thru

That one asshole that you meet in the drive thru when you order 15 Big Macs and all that he gives you is 2 napkins and 5 ketchup packets and the douchbag says have a nice day so you flick him off.

McDouch: Hello sir I mean mam here is your order.
Customer: uh thanks sir.
McDouch: Your welcome mam.
(In Private)
Customer: What the fuck man he gave me 2 napkins and 5 ketchup packets. I'm going to go order again inside. What a douchy McDonalds Drive-Thru
(Customer goes inside)
Customer: Hey I'll take 15 Big Macs to go.
McDouch: Here you go sir I mean mam. That will be 20 bucks.
Customer: Ugh ok here.
McDouch: Thanks mam.

by Dead Whiteman March 25, 2017

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