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proof god wanted us to be happy

guy 1: dude drugs are bad for you

stoner: you only say that cuz its illegal, bro...they help me escape the troubles for a bit

by ale-ale-jandro August 26, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any substance used to "take the pain away" from life because people can't deal with problems. Druggies often complain about non-drug users bitching about their "recreational habits" Yet, I don't want to fear a crackhead killing me to steal my wallet or breaking into my house to score some dope.

Pot heads are the whiniest with excuses like "it fights cancer!" It dosen't do shit but maybe relieve some pain or make you hungry so you don't starve to death.

These people also complain that their addiction is no worse than greed or ignorance, etc. Yet these morons are ignornat about what these drugs conatin or do to their brains over long periods of time and the fact that drug dealers are all about selling a dime bag for some cash. What does drug use involve? High prices on the corner means people steal, kill and beg for a few bucks for their "harmless habit."

Most of these idiots will tell you they like Bob Marley because of him being a Jamaican and we all know all of them toke up.

These activities can be seen at parties.

Jim the druggie was found dead in the gutter last night with a needle in his arm what a loser!

crackhead: Dude, I'll blow you for 5 bucks so I can score some shit!

person: Fuck off Druggie!

by Straight Edge XXX August 21, 2005

127๐Ÿ‘ 329๐Ÿ‘Ž


Drugs are just ways for stupid people to kill themselves faster. People who defend drugs are people who use drugs, and shouldn't be taken seriously, Maybe you should enjoy life without being sedated. If you want to live I suggest not using them, but you don't care do you drug addicts?

Only LOSERS use drugs. get it right bitches!

by steven dudley July 23, 2005

156๐Ÿ‘ 433๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something weak minded people put in their bodies cause they cant handle shit, cause their weak.

Drugs are also known to be Coolness Enhancers, making children instantly popular and cool as soon as they pop a pill, to bad they'll end up bogan junkies with a bombed out ute on their lawn, living on the doll and with 5 ugly kids who they hate. also i saw that 'eachandeveryday' fucked on about how he loves poppin pills yet is a successful lawyer, well great job mate you lie for money, scumbag junkie, ur probs a shit lawyer anyway.

jack osbourne...cool dude since he loves the drugs

by cpt.crunch May 13, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


Marijuana isn't a drug dumbfucks!!!
It is 100 percent natural grown herb that has many benefits to society. The only people who call it a drug are the wet-back hating crackers. Its because of them that it is illegal in us till today. That thc bullshit is a cover for the main reason.
Meth is a drug, crack is a drug, cocaine is a drug because its laced with benzine, not pot!

Drugs are bad for you... Smoke pot instead.

by !Natedog! December 5, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


A thing used by idiots who don't know how to have fun with out them. crack, smack, heroine, mary J, coke, and MORE!

Drugs are gay, if you do them, your just stupid. SO YEAH.

by Trisha! December 6, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 319๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best thing left in life since the man(communist ),this gay society(communist and gay),and this poserifically gay(communist) counter culture have all made life not even worth living.

Life is not even worth living but drugs make you not care.

by freedom is dead,, ( x x ) October 12, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž