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environmental indie hipster

The perfect balance of everything a college student should encompass. An environmental indie hipster recycles, doesn't eat meat, dances wildly to non-mainstream bands, hangs out in coffee shops while refusing to drink anything but fair-trade or rain forest certified coffee, eats local/organic food, buys all their clothes from thrift stores, and at night tends to dance to funky music while by day takes university classes on how to save the world.

Environmental indie hipster: Starbucks sucks because it is corporate bullshit.
Non environmental indie hipster: But I love the double, mocha frappachinos!
EIH: u suck.

by margotandthenuclearsoandsos November 4, 2007

61πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Environmentally Friendly Shit

A shit that requires no toilet paper.

Kid 1: "That was quick"
Kid 2: "I know. It was an Environmentally Friendly Shit"
Kid 1: "That's awesome"

by scooterkenny June 16, 2011

32πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Environmentally Friendly Sex

True, meaningful sex with 2 partners that don't leave each other after doing it, thus recycling hard earned cash.

Light switch: Save the environment, don't leave me turned on.
Bitch: Don't hog me with that environmentally friendly sex crap.

by Morpheus Road December 8, 2010

30πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

ap environmental science

An advanced placement class with the fundamental skills of eighth grade science and a teacher similar to Jane Goodall. Various forms of persuasion will be used to encourage you to own a Prius and be a vegetarian. Can be used as a form of torture and governmental mind-fuckery. Apparently there is a field trip to the zoo. Don't be naΓ―ve and sign up because you want to go to the damn zoo. You will regret this.

Ex. Me: Why the hell am I in AP environmental science? I don't give a shit about the environment.

by Gentleman&Scholar March 4, 2015

39πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Sunnyside Environmental School

The Hippie school, crazy teachers, emo's, and stoners.

The school is a mixture of everything, and creepy subsitute teachers that talk about snowboarding.

You'll see the students frolicking around hawthorne and belmont and waiting for their bus.

"Oh, she's weird, why is she hugging that tree?"

"It's ok, she goes to the Hippie school (sunnyside environmental school)"

"ohhhh, ok."

by Aluminix08 January 23, 2009

19πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A scientific term for the gradual process by which ones boyfriend turns gay due to the excessive estrogen in his immediate surrounding.
Symptoms: Having a group name with all your initials, yours being the only male.
Growing your hair long enough to rival your girlfriends.
Succumbing to debt because of excessive designer clothing purchases.
Posting extremely flamboyant pictures on social networking websites.
Not getting laid for more than 2 months, for whatever reason, even if in foreign country.

A sexually deprived teenage girl asked her doctor if vaccinations would help her boyfriend with his estro-environmental-gayitization.

by Jason Sarg November 16, 2007

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

AP Environmental Studies

also known as APES!!!!!

person 1: hey, whats ur favorite class?
person 2: APES!
person 1: awesome! what is it?
person 2: AP Environmental Studies
person 1: that's sick dude!

by APESduderawesomepersonishy October 21, 2009

32πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž