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erm... what the scallop

cringey and an attempt at saying "what the fuck" in a family friendly way. often used with a ;-; emoticon to maximize cringeyness

person 1: i just ate a shoe
person 2: erm... what the scallop ;-;

by ilovesakura September 6, 2023

22👍 6👎

erm... what the DERP?!?!

erm what the deuce?!?!?! (derogatory)

erm... what the DERP?!?!

by derogatoryterms September 30, 2022

erm… what the flip

when something weird just happened

i just blew up a hospital!

erm… what the flip

by neowth September 27, 2023

19👍 2👎

Erm mha gherd

When something is so unexplainbly cute/adorable that you can't help but outburst with "Erm mha gherd."

*notices a baby-kitten* "ERM MHA GHERD"

by Kai Isuko June 22, 2018

erm mah gush

Another word for "Oh my gosh"

I like to play around with my words and also sound retarded and funny at the same time ya feel me

erm mah gush did you see her new shoes they are so kwel

by jewwce April 19, 2017


a better way of saying "um"
what you say when youre like "wtf"

Person 1: "yo i just took the fattest shi ever"
Person 2: "erm.."

by ermwhattheflip October 2, 2023


This usually means that the person is either surprised with what you said and or shocked. But in often times this means that you said something out of pocket and made something that could have offended them.

"Like she can't even fight like NO offense like I know she's your friend but.."
" erm..? what are you even talking about right now..?"

by Big_left_toe March 31, 2022