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exclamation poop

When you fart and a small poop comes out at the end.

Daniel was surprised by the exclamation poop at the end of his fart.

by Trailer Chimp October 5, 2022

Exclamation point

When you're on your period, but it's so much worse.

Britney: Mom! I'm bleeding more than usual! This ain't just any period!
Britney's mom: What could it be, my dear Britney?
Britney: I'm on my "exclamation point!"
Britney's mom: What is that?
Britney: It's a period, but you bleed more and more!

by Matt_The_Anime_Man March 13, 2021

Exclamation Point

Substitute for PERIODT‼️Usually inquires snapping with the syllables.

Preach Sis! Exclamation point‼️

by ShrimpnAvocados July 17, 2019

Premature Exclamation

Sending of a message (usually text message) that you haven't finished writing, sent due to wrongly pressing the "send" button.

Dad: thanks for the sex


Sorry, premature exclamation. Should have read Dad: thanks for the sextuplet article you sent me, it was really useful for my essay. :)

by fabtab February 9, 2012

Exclamation safe

A coworker or fellow professional who also frequently uses exclamation points in emails, which makes you feel comfortable with your exclamation point usage.

"I'm so glad my boss uses exclamation points too in formal emails, she makes me feel exclamation safe"

by sahararogers September 15, 2022

Exclamation Blood

When a girl has a period and her vagina combusts

Holy shit mom! I have exclamation blood! OWWWWW!!

by Ionlymadethisaccountforafewwor July 7, 2019

Drink Thought Exclamation

A "eureka" moment but instead of exclaiming "eureka," you exclaim "mmm" because your mouth is full of water.

Two entrepreneurs (E) drinking:
E1: "We need a business idea."
E2: "Yeah, but what?"
E1: *Takes a drink and comes up with an idea* "Mmm!"
E2: "I know that sound! That's a drink thought exclamation!"

by Licensed_Nerd August 8, 2020