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Fiction about characters or settings from an original work of fiction, created by fans of that work rather than by its creator. Usually it is written smut by children with the intelligence of a baby rhinoceros. However there can be some very good fanfics out there that can be sometimes better then the original work.

Now that i think of it Urban Dictionary is essentially a funny fanfiction site.

by A Human Male July 26, 2018

150๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


When certain characters of different franchises, movies, or tv shows are used in an OPs story. Some of these are romances, some are au's, some is smut, some are alternate endings and some are grimdarks. Some is bad, some is good, some is okay.

Some popular franchises for fanfiction are Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Naruto.

Stop bullying teenagers over fanfiction and ships (unless they're actually harmful ones). Let them express their creativity in peace and leave them alone!

by a fallen star xxx July 7, 2021


Fictional stories written by fans of a book, tv show, celebrity, etc. They are NOT ALL bad and in fact can be very entertaining and fun to read. I myself read fanfics and although some are written by 10 year olds who have shitty writing skill, some, such as After, are very well written and get millions of readers. These fan fictions are usually in categories such as Het, Slash, AU, and such. Fanfics can be found on many websites like Wattpad which is my personal favorite. Fanfics aren't all about SEX SEX SEX and making everyone gay and all of the other things I've read. And it's also not all about the reader making an imaginary life where he/she is in a relationship with he main character. I suggest reading a very good fanfic, preferably one that has been suggested to you by an avid fanfic reader, so that you can decide for yourself if fanfics are your thing or not.

Hey, did you read Psychotic, the Harry Styles fanfic on Wattpad?
No, I heard it was really good though. I'll check it out.

I'm reading this really good One Direction fanfic right now on onedirectionfanfiction.com

by Jordan_styles32 February 8, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a story that is written using characters from different stories that have been previously written, such as Harry Potter, or a manga/anime, such as Naruto or Inuyasha, that may involve self-inserts or OC (original characters).

Hey, are you still writing that story about that series with your characters?" "You mean my fanfiction?" "YEAH! That thing!

by RebelAshRunner November 20, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A work of fiction utilizing characters from a book, television show, or movie, as opposed to original characters. Referred to as "fan"fiction because it is generally written by fans obsessed with the book, television show, or movie.

"Man, I found some awesome Buffy slash fanfiction last night. Spike and Angel were getting it on!

by Loki August 9, 2005

393๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fanfiction (also known as Fanfics) is writing that remixes characters, places, or plots from existing narratives to tell new, original stories. Existing narratives could mean things like popular books, TV shows, movies, games, comics, or plays. Some types of fanfiction even cast real people as characters in the stories. Fanfiction can expand the story world or can take known characters in completely new directions.

Fangirl 1: Hey I'm writing a new fanfiction
Fangirl 2: OMG what's it about
Fangirl 1: You, me, and our favorite ban
Fangirl 1's sister: you two need a life

by ari5sos January 13, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where the fandom often pretends that the writers got it wrong.

Irene: "I wrote some fanfiction where Fred Weasley survived the Battle of Hogwarts and he and George move their shop to Hogsmeade."
Benita: "That's not what happened in the books."
Irene: "Er, yeah. That is why it is FANFICTION."
Benita: "Oh, right."

by Rina Lam October 11, 2011

38๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž