Source Code

on the fin

Meaning on the 5. Chicago word for 5 is fin. Gang related yes, because all people nation are under the five point star so hence they say on the fin to let u kno what they said is some real shit.

Imma smack that fool, on the fin!

by p stone October 12, 2015

59πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

fin' to

1. Plans to do in the very near future (...or an excuse for procrastination)
2. About to start something
3. (To a lesser degree) To make preparations for something
4. In the case that it is an excuse, it's also cause for a good butt whoopin

See Finna

Mama: Boy did you clean that room yet?
Boy: I'm Fin' to!
Mama: What did you say!
Boy: I'm about to do it right now.
Mama: That's right. You better had!

by J Mack July 10, 2005

101πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

fin fin

word used when stoned (reefering to a person who isn't real)

Fin Fin you've been bad!

by east stoners March 11, 2003

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


when Jonathon Loughran gets owned by Mark Finn, hence the definition "Finned"

Jonny got Finned TBFH

by Ross Leightley March 21, 2007

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Adjective used to describe one with an outstanding personality.

β€˜Fins’ are thoughtful, charming, handsome and incredibly helpful. They are also known for being exceptionally intelligent, and always giving good company.

They generally prefer the night.

'Fins' Take advantage of those who just don't get sarcasm :l

Fins are one in a million.
They’re hard to find, but damn lucky to have.

by iwontremember August 1, 2009

535πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž

a fin

a five dollar bill anythin that has to do with five

Bitch you owe me bout a fin!

by Dis0ne February 9, 2007

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

fin' to

short for fixing to

I'm fin' to give you a nice ol' whoopin', son!

by Nick D February 27, 2003

80πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž