Source Code

Folder hug

Giving or receiving a hug in which a folder is present. It usually acts as an accidental barrier, creating a rather awkward and possibly a painful hug.

Walking from class to class in school with your arms full of books. "Here, give us a hug, will ya?" You are in a hurry so you give them a quick hug without putting your books or "folder" down. This is known as a "Folder hug"

by Luscious~Cupcake~Princess November 19, 2011

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ethics folder

A conspicuously inconspicuous place to hide your porn.

I keep my ethics folder prominently displayed on my desktop, for easy porn access. No one ever suspects it until they see it's over 6 gigs.

by ethics folder October 12, 2011

Napkin Folder

A Fah Dit. Can be found in the wild hunting down sales bonuses. Lacks inherent empathy of fully licensed Funeral directors. Snowflake in nature, melts in the heat of the kitchen. Has no chill.

Napkin folders have achieved Funeral Nepotism by making big sales.

by DrowningFish69 May 14, 2022

C Folder

The active primary partition recognized upon the physical hard disk or a woman's vagina

Sometimes a password is required before a user can access the C Folder. i.e. Sometimes you need a get a woman drunk before she will let you sleep with her.

by blast0 April 5, 2010

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taco folder

A Mexican, either male or female.

Get this taco folder out of our house!

by England phi beta gamma April 10, 2008

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The US folder

A folder in which pictures of random people from "last weekend" are placed, alongside people who seem to be around a lot.
Can be used to secretly confirm a persons acceptance into the group as a kind of code-phrase.

Man 1: "Think she'll make it into the US folder?" *points at random girl*
Man 2: "Nah. Last weekend, Definitely."

by KrumKakes May 20, 2008

bean folder

Woman's version of a spank bank.

Girrrrrrl, did you see that hotty he's going in the bean folder.

by Tfittz/iinventedbeanfolder December 15, 2015