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bes fren

a BES FREN is 10 times better than a normal best friend , is such a crackhead , beautiful, smart and stupid a bes fren will make. ur life happier ,a bes fren always has the best advices for you , they always got your back no matter what

person1: BES FRENNNNNN I missed you so much

person2 : me mor bes fren i love. u BES FREN

by periodbitchoe December 5, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Gran Fren

1. A "grand friend". The best friend you could ever have. They make you very happy and want to do silly things, like dance a crazy dance, or sing a song about oatmeal. When extremely happy, you say the term "gran fren" in baby talk, to let your friend know how much you actually care about them.

2.When you walk the mall, and you see someone you highly admire, or think looks really funny. Showing your admiration, you shout "Oh, Gran Fren!"

1. Tina: Happy birthday, I got you this nice easy bake oven present.
Patty: Oh! You my gran frien!

2.(A tall man that looks like Paul Bunyon walks by.)
Laura: Oh! gran fren!

by Kimberly Alison July 17, 2006

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bes fren

Bes fren a friend who will stick by you no matter what because they LOVE you with all of there heart <3


by Anyongitsari September 16, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Frens Chan

Frens Chan is an image board which was created in 2022 as a replacement for 4Chan's /pol/ board. Since then it has amassed a small but active userbase. The website includes not just a /pol/ board, but also /b/, the unique /c/ for christianity and /r/ for other religions, among other less significant boards.

Many users have noticed the site's moderation being slanted towards Christianity, rather than the pro-white image it brands itself with. Especially the admin Stu Pidasso and other members of staff have repeatedly deleted non-christian religious posts without explanation and banned people questioning their moderation policies.

Additionally, national socialist posts have been known to sometimes get deleted for being "anti-white", while racial universalist posts which were posted under the guise of Christianity have been allowed to stay up.

My thread I had made about materialism on the /r/ board on Frens Chan just got deleted without a trace, JFL.

by Frenly Frog May 7, 2023

7πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Frens Chan

Frens Chan is an image board which was created in 2022 as a replacement for 4Chan's /pol/ board. Since then it has amassed a small but active userbase. The website includes not just a /pol/ board, but also /b/, the unique /c/ for christianity and /r/ for other religions, among other less significant boards.

Many users have noticed the site's moderation being slanted towards Christianity, rather than the pro-white image it brands itself with. Especially the admin Stu Pidasso and other members of staff have repeatedly deleted non-christian religious posts without explanation and banned people questioning their moderation policies.

Additionally, national socialist posts have been known to sometimes get deleted for being "anti-white", while racial universalist posts which were posted under the guise of Christianity have been allowed to stay up.

My thread I had made about materialism on the /r/ board on Frens Chan just got deleted without a trace, JFL.

by Frenly Frog May 7, 2023

3πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Frens chan

A place where federal agents lurk to try and arrest suspected domestic terrorists from the infamous h@xx0r and mysterious social media app known as r/4chan. They also constantly seethe at soyjak.party, an obviously superior site.

I can’t believe the fbi raided my house and arrested me on 47 accounts of genocide and 31 counts of terrorism because I posted a picture of a retarded Finnish frog on frens chan

by CentralAfricanRepublicGangNigg December 22, 2022

19πŸ‘ 497πŸ‘Ž

Frens Chan

Frens Chan is an image board which was created in 2022 as a replacement for 4Chan's /pol/ board. Since then it has amassed a small but active userbase. The website includes not just a /pol/ board, but also /b/, the unique /c/ for christianity and /r/ for other religions, among other less significant boards.

Many users have noticed the site's moderation being slanted towards Christianity, rather than the pro-white image it brands itself with. Especially the admin Stu Pidasso and other members of staff have repeatedly deleted non-christian religious posts without explanation and banned people questioning their moderation policies.

Additionally, national socialist posts have been known to sometimes get deleted for being "anti-white", while racial universalist posts which were posted under the guise of Christianity have been allowed to stay up.

My thread I had made about materialism on the /r/ board on Frens Chan just got deleted without a trace, JFL.

by Frenly Frog May 7, 2023

2πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž