Source Code


v. To damage electronic components, usually by mis-wiring or application of improper voltage.

"I fried the power supply on the Sparc-10 when I forgot to switch it over to EuroVoltage."

by Peri March 23, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fapping Related Injury

Guy 1: Oh man, have you ever met Susan ? She's so hot!
Guy 2: Ikr! I gave myself an FRI this weekend thinking about her.

by RecedingAxis March 14, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


-dissing yourself
-acting stupid
-getting something wrong

jazzy says: the captial of the u.s. is detroit
brandhi says: you just fried yourself, its d.c

by allieee-sonn January 10, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fries with that?

The echo of a nearly-forgotten culture.

Awakening from a dream, the phrase "Fries with that?" kept playing in his head, like a guitar hook. It must have meant something, long ago, and perhaps it would come to him.

by Monkey's Dad April 20, 2020


Someone who is lacking in mental abilities or just acting like a fucking retard

โ€œYo that kid Eric is totally fried!โ€

by Mormon69420 January 17, 2020


when a bitch says sum stoopid like yo girl lets chill at my place from 10-2 and this bitch says that's only 2 hours shes Fri

stoopid her brain broken

Is this girl Fri fr shes dumb

by shreding4jesus March 26, 2019


Also known as French fries. Used in a term to smoke or inhale fried potatoes.

Imagine not smoking a Fri.

by Fri Queen The First January 14, 2022