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the art of fucking yourself

It is the most beautiful of all the existant arts existing in this world; hell, in the universe for this sake. While most, if not all, people can do it, only some have actually mastered and have movies at their name because of this. There are many ways to do this, and they all depend on how is your mind and genitals (including ass) doing. Called vulgarly as masturbation.

I have mastered the art of fucking yourself.

by BoggyBuntu November 15, 2013

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Go Fuck Yourself!

A common expression used when you want to piss off -like REALLY piss off

Jack is talking to his girl
Other guy: (To girl) Hey sweetie! Want some FUN!?
Jack: Go Fuck Yourself!

Other Guy: Heeeeeell no Niggaa!
Jack: ...

by DaMnIt!!! April 9, 2015

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Go Fuck Yourself

Hello and welcome to my presentation to why you should go fuck yourself. Spoiler Alert, it's because you are a piece of shit that no one likes. But why are you shit? were you raised this way or, unfortunate circumstances to blame?, No, your just terrible. Still confused? of course you are, here's a pie chart that should straighten things up, here's a quick visual aid and I think this next slide really drives the point home, fuck you go fuck yourself. Now this graph is, really interesting. As you can see it shows the number of people that want you to go fuck yourself over time. Of note, this isn't 99% percent of the population. This isn't even 99.999% of the population. This is the 100% of the population, that's right, even you want you to go fuck yourself so what are you doing here? Go on go do it now, You may be asking, does all this hatred represent a weakness on my own part? Could it be that nobody deserves to hear the words "go fuck yourself" because every single human being on the planet is a worthwhile and a valuable member of society? No!, go fuck yourself. In conclusion, i want you to know that i don't really mean anything I'm saying here. I think you're a good person and ultimately i don't want you to go fuck yourself. Just kidding haha, go fuck yourself. Thank you.

Go Fuck yourself.

by pp man he likes big cock October 14, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

go fuck yourself

Beat it. Buzz off. Get lost. Hit the road, Jack (and don't you come back). Scram. Get stuffed.

If you need and example of this phrase in a sentence, you should probably go fuck yourself.

by MoonageDaydream73 October 30, 2014

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Go fuck yourself

An incomprehensible amount of anything, used as a measurement rather than a statement.

EXAMPLE A "Dude, why are you so jittery?" "I drank a go fuck yourself amount of coffee at work!!!" "So, like how much? Gimme a number." "I lost count after 30!"

EXAMPLE B "Ugh I just drank a litre of gin." "Go fuck yourself!"

EXAMPLE C "How are you feeling today?" "GO FUCK YOURSELF! Yeah that pretty much sums it up..."

by thatfunkymotherfunker November 1, 2010

37πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

Go fuck yourself !

Go fuck yourself ! is a command to fuck your own asshole by riding a 10" dildo stuck on the floor while you suck a guy's dick.

I lost a card game, and Matt said to Go fuck yourself ! -- and I had to screw myself on a big knobby dildo and suck his dick until he had a cumgasm down my throat!

by USAF Cadet October 3, 2021

106πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž

Politely go fuck yourself

When you want to say go fuck yourself while adding a bit of smartassness in.

A Random entitled bitch walks in back room in middle of dnd game REB- β€œHey can y’all shut up”
Me- β€œHey can you politely go fuck yourself”

by Duff's Beer March 31, 2019