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Hand Gibber

A very dry, aggressive, and amateur “handjob.” Usually painful, but considered a right of passage in the south. ( featured in the movie- taking it from Hayley)

Oh wow, Hayley totes gives the best hand gibbers, I almost got off but my penis started bleeding

by Dr. DeezNutz March 6, 2022

gibber jaw

To have a lose and profound mouth when not spoken to.

I hate it when u drink and get gibber jawed in angry conversations.

by Deehail911 February 18, 2017

h gibbers

A lookalike - A term when someone looks identical to someone else and you have to do a double take.

Person 1: "Is that h gibbers"
Person 2: "No thats just Hugh"

by user12345363 September 26, 2021


To speak forcefully and argumentatively while only spouting gibberish.

Here the congressman gibberates, gets his panties in a bunch, says talking to Secretary of Health and Human Services is like talking to South Korea (ROK).

by SemiFrost3 December 12, 2013


To talk randomly, like "ghjhgfjvg vgfdhb gfvjgvnj kfjdgvgvmfdv vjgndfkvh", speaking gibberish.

Person 1: Vhjgvjhngjfgjf jhfbgfmc vgfknf vdfkjvn fgjfgjf!
Person 2: Why do you gibber so much?!

by URB4N D1C710N4RY March 25, 2021


adjective. completely incomprehensible (words, sentences)
adjective. barely recognizable (people)

"The gibber man talked in such a raspy voice, but all I heard was gibber."

by Lafayette40 March 12, 2022

Gibber fuck

An insult for when somone is being nonsensical and a cunt

Stop being a gibber fuck adam!

by Shmusssydestroyer81898 February 16, 2022