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What happens when you're waiting for the novelty to wear off.

What was that? Oh... i see

by gowrath April 8, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rare and sought-after emotion of warmth and joy. Although it is in huge and ever-growing demand, there has never been an attempt to put a proper market value on it nor has there been any attempt to sell it retail.

"Happiness is my goal."

by tuna_legends November 30, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Box of little muffins to eat after bunning your joe

Stoner1: Have you got any happiness?

StonerB: Dunno, what's happiness?

Stoner1: Look it up on www.urbandictionary.com, dude

by matt the jakie August 5, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


having sex with multiple, very hot women, while eating a Hershey bar. Mmmmmmmmmm.

"Hey Chuck, remember that time I had sex with those two asian chicks while eatin a Hershey bar.. that was awesome..."

by Chris Fay February 17, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Exercising may help it.

He felt happiness again after joining cross country.

by BlueX January 7, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


the emotion that occurs when you finally come on top after a struggle in your life, usually doesn't last long.

you've never tasted true happiness if you've never had a big struggle in your life.

by k.cemp December 31, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


happiness is kind of like collapsing on the floor in a tidal wave of your own boiling hot diarrhea, at the same time, getting slapped lightly across the bell-end with an electrified sledge-hammer to the tune of "let the bodys hit the floor" by drowning pool.........

"I'd be happy if I wasn't retarded" - A Retard

by penis-vagina March 14, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž