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Book Haul

A book haul, is when a person makes a video showing off books that they have bought.

I just watched Jessethereaders book haul

by Serafina.fool January 13, 2022

Hauling butts

The act of smoking cigarettes at an abnormal pace or in an excessive fashion. The term implies that the subject's smoking is no longer a supplement to their primary activity, and has become a prominent characteristic of what they are doing.

We were hanging at the corner of Orchard and Pearl - drinking beers, hauling butts and contributing to cosmic babble.

I was 3/4 cocked and straight hauling butts by the bonfire for hours last night.

I spent my half hour between exams hauling butts on the library steps instead of looking over the vocabulary.

by Howboutcha C'mon June 2, 2010

long haul

An extensive relationship, where one or both partners are determined to be married.

They were both in it for the long haul.

by SkelePone December 29, 2016

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good haul

A lot of something.

He left the game show with a good haul of money.

by Trafton September 26, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A medeival naval punishment that involves tying a line to each arm of the convicted sailor and pushing him off the bow of the ship under sail. The sailor was 'hauled' along the barnacle encrusted 'keel' of the vessel aided by the movement of the ship and pulled back aboard at the stern of the ship. It hurt really bad.

"The punishment for stealing rations is keelhauling!"

by steelfish July 29, 2004

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hauling bricks

having to take a dump; carrying around feces that is ready to be expelled; needing a bowel movement

Dude step on the gas! I'm hauling bricks over here!

by TheEvilHammer October 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

long haul

A very long ass time

person 1# hey Herschel how long have you been dating these bitches

Herschel # the long haul

by McNairThaGod December 7, 2015

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