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bedroom dj

A person who owns DJing equipment (ie. turntables, mixer, CDJ, etc.) and has a passion for music, but doesn't play out to crowds at bars or special events (ie. raves). Instead, they opt to play their music at home for their friends or over the internet via audio broadcasting software, such as shoutcast.

That bedroom dj has mad skills, he should play out at the next rave!

by MikeDub January 17, 2006

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bedroom bowling

where the thumb is inserted into the anus and the middle and ring fingers are inserted into the vagina to be used for foreplay stimulation

Laura and I did a little bedroom bowling last night.

by Mike41886 January 26, 2009

bedroom eyes

That sensual seductive-looking glance that you (whether you are male or female) express when you are in a mood for something romantic and/or sexual.

1. The stripper greeted me with bedroom eyes when I was handing her my money.

2. When I saw my girl for the first time in a skimpy nightgown, we gave each other bedroom eyes and proceeded to make some lovin'.

by Mark H August 4, 2004

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Bedroom Hero

A musician who is highly talented, but stays at home playing to themselves and never performs publicly, therefore keeping their music to themselves and playing for their own self enjoyment rather than the pleasure of other listeners.

"I wish that guitarist would come and play for our band, he fantastic. But he's such a bedroom hero."

by Shane Turner May 2, 2005

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Bedroom shoes

Shoes worn by your partner for indoor sexual activities. Will never see the outside world or touch the earths soil.

Dude 1: Hey Chad, I saw your chick buy a pair of sexy eight inch heels last week. How can she walk in those man?
Dude 2: She doesn't walk anywhere in them. They're bedroom shoes dude!

by Rabanelli March 17, 2014

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Bedroom Warrior

Someone who maximizes their personality, influence and talents using the internet while simultaneously living out of their bedroom. Also abbreviated as Bedowar.

That kids one bad Bedroom Warrior.

She's not coming out tonight because she's being such a bedowar.

by Harry Stotle January 13, 2008

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Bedroom Intruder

A gansta man from the ghetto with a colorful sense of humor who got rich off a news story and moved his family outta the ghettos. A ghetto witness.

"Well, obviously we have a rapsist in... Linkin Park. We gun find you, so you can run and tell that, home home homeboi." -Bedroom Intruder Man

by Bluestream September 28, 2010

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