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homo incognito

A person who hides their sexual relationships with members of the same sex from others.

Joe was afraid his parents would discover his relationship with Chris, so he was always homo incognito.

by Curtis Kline March 30, 2008

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Incognito Man

A term for a degenerate who is an incel nerd cross-breed. This term originates from the man who appears on the incognito tab. He is shown to wear glasses( making him a nerd), he also wears a fedora and watches lots of porn( making him an incel).

Girl 1 "This one guy offered to do my math homework for a picture of my tits and when I said no he said a chad would rape me"
Girl 2 "That wasn't a guy it was an Incognito Man"

by Mai Ting Long April 24, 2020

Going Incognito

A term used for when you hide your browser history during masturbation.

My willy sure looked wrecked after going incognito for the 4th time today.

by Passthatdutch May 12, 2018

fashionably incognito

The state of one's dress when wearing dark-colored yet trendy/fashionable clothes at night so as to remain inconspicuous.

Person 1: Dude look, I'm wearing my Oakleys and my black cashmere Gap sweater and matching scarf, nobody can see me.
Person 2: Dude you're fashionably incognito! Like ohmygawd, where did you get those shoes??

by matt January 5, 2005

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incognito nut

When the guy you’re giving a blowjob to doesn’t warn you before he’s about to bust and he nuts in your mouth with no warning.

β€œThe dude I was blowing last night totally gave me an incognito nut!”

by Lillianmoonstars November 22, 2019

shit incognito

when in the normal course of taking a dump, it, for either unexplained or explained reasons, doesn't smell.

dude, i had a boxing match last nite. my opponent beat the crap outta me, and gots my nose all busted up. anyway, i had to takes a dumps this morning, and my normal paper peeling stench was shit incognito.

by tom francen August 21, 2007

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incognito mode

A place where people go to watch porn.

We went incognito mode for no reason.

by PersonThatShoots February 8, 2018

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