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Indirect insult

When your pissed off at your boyfriend so you write about him on Urban Dictionary as a way of expressing your anger.

Similar to an indirect compliment except it's out of hate

An example of an indirect insult would be:
A guy with a small penis and is a total asshole and wah wah wah complaining because I have no other way to say he is a bad person without really doing anything.

This is literally the same as writing angry letters and not sending them, except this way you feel like you have a better chance of getting people to agree with you.

Urban Dictionary was not made to be a place where you could bitch about your problems to others who don't really give a shit. If you think this is a good way to let out your anger then you are a dipshit.

by Definitely not Kyle September 11, 2016

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Indirect Kiss

Where you kiss someone’s hand and touch their face as a way of showing affection in a mutual, non-romantic friendship.

She gave him an indirect kiss to make her best friend feel better.

by Slaminaevoli October 12, 2019

4πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

indirect kiss

when two peoples lips brush against each other; or almost accidental kiss.

Carla and Max had an indirect kiss yesterday! Both of their lips brushed against each others. It was sexy.

by kipplerdippler January 21, 2012

13πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž

Indirect Dick Slap

When someone touches your dick, then, moments later, slaps you in the face with the same hand that touched your dick. Usually given by a PMSing chick.

Guy1: "Hey dude did you get to bone Maria last night?"

Guy2: "Nah dude. She started to give me a handjob but then slapped me and called me a manwhore."

Guy3: "Looks like you got an Indirect Dick Slap!!!"

by Dunbar & Santiago July 14, 2010

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Indirect kiss

Drooling into someone elses mouth while holding their chin or cheek. a power move over your sub.

My sub was misbehaving so she deserved an indirect kiss

by BrotherDeathWing November 15, 2021

1πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Indirect kiss

Drooling into the mouth of someone else. usually dom to a sub who was misbehaving

My brat was acting up again she didnt deserve a kiss so I gave her an indirect kiss.

by BrotherDeathWing November 15, 2021

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Indirect rizz

The act of using "rizz" to talk about someone to someone else

person 1: what do you think about this guy?
me: (with indirect rizz)hes so bad, if he told me to kill his parents, call me John Wick bro, cuz i aint gonna miss

by KamilotV2 March 11, 2023