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Turkey Induced Coma

Turkey Induced Coma -- the deep sleep that one goes through after eating a large turkey dinner, usually on Thanksgiving and Christmas

"Don't bother trying to wake your dad, he's in a turkey induced coma."

by TooSick4U November 26, 2009

Cruiser Panic Inducer

The annoying car on the road, that leaves you questioning if the car is really a police car. This results in an obsene amount of panic followed by relief after the victim realizes it is not a police car.

Joe: Aww Dude! Is that a cop car behind us?!
Mike: Oh Shit! (Hides his weed)
(Car passes)
Joe: Aww Damn Dude! Just another cruiser panic inducer!
Mike: Say Joe, didn't you have a half eaten peach in the back?
Joe: Yeah go ahead and throw and throw it at him.

by Imacowboy October 19, 2009

Rage-Induced High

When you get so furious towards someone, the blood pools in your head and you get a feeling of absolute joy at the thought of their demise.

Jerry " Im on a rage-induced high!"

Dally " Your mom bitching again"

Jerry " Indeed :D"

by Dally-Doodlez November 6, 2006

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Alcohol- induced amnesia

Short term memory loss caused by the consumption of large quantities of alcohol leading to the inebriated state of the individual and causing them to act in a manner that would be deemed 'socially inappropriate'. Individuals suffering from this condition usually experience feelings of alarm when presented with witness accounts or photographic evidence of their exploits.

"Man you were wasted last night!"
"Ha ha oh shit was I? What did I do?"
"Something with a dog I think... I can't remember"
"Fuck, I don't remember a dog"
"Man, I think you have Alcohol- induced amnesia..."

by Ebenezer saltmarsh May 16, 2010

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Moon-Induced Dyslexia

The cause of frequent misspellings during late night Facebook chats. It only occurs at night and thus is induced by the moon.

Person 1: "Ugh i hvanet eevn srtarted the egnlish paepr."
Person 2: "Dude..."
Person 1: "Oh sorry, I have moon-induced dyslexia"

by heythuritscait March 20, 2011

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Self Induced Blumpkin

To suck one's own penis while defecating.

I was sitting on the toilet with candles lit and Yanni music playing and got really turned on while pinching a loaf. So i gave myself a Self Induced Blumpkin. The smell of my own poop made me cum into my mouth.

by Dick driller January 9, 2009

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School induced Depression

When you're a really happy and joyful person all summer long and on weekends, however when you return to school you immediately fall into this black abyss of despair and hatred of everyone and everything nice in this world.

While doing something on the weekend: Guys this is so fun and I love this so much

While doing the same thing in school: this is the stupidest thing ever why the hell would anyone want to do this all I want to do is die.

"Dude what's wrong with Kenny?"

"He just has school induced Depression."

by Spoon master August 20, 2014

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