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Intergalactic Pull

Intergalactic Pull is the amount of gravitational pull one object or thing has on a Intergalactic scale. (Stronger than any gravitational pull)

Josh i can't believe how much Intergalactic pull Meg has that the whole world can revolve around her. (9⁹10⁷8.9270276% galactic pull)

by EloZz October 31, 2022

Intergalactic Goof

What you call someone who:

defies all logic
rapes children/animals
dresses in fursuits
wears dildos for fashion
anal penetration reception from angry African American males (ages 18-75)
is currently NOT circumcised
has orange hair
is not related but borrows money and doesn't pay back
wears white belts
"frosted tip" hair cut
swooped bangs
smoke cloves
have buckles on their clothing
is an emofag
is a scenefag
is an artfag
is a culturefag
is a Grammarfag
and any other type of overly offensive fucking asshole that should be absolutely legal to just fucking 100% execute in public.
fuckin' crowd and everything.
..you'd watch it.

Prima: If you read all of that you're an "Intergalactic Goof."
Secunda: I got about three words in then went back on Facebook, and said how gay this was, then used your insult against you.
Prima: I fucking hate this planet..

by ForceFedFetusFillet April 26, 2012

1👍 1👎

Intergalactic multi colored chili beans

Different colored chili beans that have come from space. They give you the on demand Pressure gape with out eating a bunch of different concoction of foods. It only takes one bean at a time to have a single use of a Pressure gape.

Hey man watch me eat these Intergalactic multi colored chili beans and watch what happens next!

by covid-rubbers July 27, 2021

intergalactic war mask

See iron war mask.

I would put my intergalactic war mask on that bitch.

by The Grand Vizier June 12, 2008


A small dick from another galaxy

I wanted to bang that dude but he had an Intergalactic-Space-Nugget

by BigPileOfP00 May 30, 2015